A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the March 30, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 63


    Mar 30, 2017

    She:kon Sewakwekon/Greetings Everyone, Every year, in the Spring and in the Fall, the Six Nations Sing is held in one of the Six Nations territories. It’s a time for all the Singing Societies throughout the confederacy to gather, to share with one another how each has assisted within their own communities, to share New Women’s Dance verses and to end the night with a social dance. It’s also a time for family members, from the youngest to the eldest, to come together to enjoy the singing, dancing and laughter. On April 16, 2017, Ahkwe...

  • Entewatatha:wi Holds Week Long Akwesasne History Summit

    Jenna Clute and Kaniehtonkie|Mar 30, 2017

    March 13th through the 17th Entewatatha:wi held the Akwesasne History/Evolution Summit at the former First Americans IGA. The week of events kicked off with tobacco burning and a traditional opening. Over the course of the week, respected elders, historians, Chiefs, Clan mothers, Faithkeepers, linguists, journalists, youth and storytellers shared knowledge, wisdom and stories about the history of Akwesasne. Topics of discussion included roles of the men and women, environment, language,...

  • Tehotiiennawakon Shares Plans for Renewable Energy, Broadband

    Mar 30, 2017

    Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Tehotiiennawakon held the second of three economic initiative focus meetings on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at the St. Regis Recreation Center. Director Jim Ransom along with Kylie Tarbell, Fallon Davis, and Tracy Sunday Cook presented to interested community members a summary of Tehotiiennawakon economic initiatives. Paul Sutterlin, Jazz Solar Solutions, also presented the Community Energy Plan. Jazz Solar completed an energy analysis (energy audit) of ten MCA facilities and ten homes to prepare an energy b...

  • R.E.D.D. to Release New Album, Tour Southwest

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinsonm|Mar 30, 2017

    On Saturday, March 11, 2017, R.E.D.D. – Hunter White and W.E.R.M. Matt Mitchell, hosted a listening session in Rooseveltown. They played the songs from their upcoming new album "The Next Chapter." The album is slated to have 11 songs on it and is set to come out in April. R.E.D.D. hosted the session to give the people who were a part of the album the first listen to the final masters. "Whether they are a feature artist, producer/engineer or anybody involved in the project altogether, we w...

  • Actor Wes Studi Visits With Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club Members

    Kaniehtonkie|Mar 30, 2017

    The night of Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club Gala, well-known actor Wes Studi's time and attention was focused on raising money for a new ABGC building. However the next day, his sole attention was the ABGC members themselves, sharing breakfast and talking to them as a group and individually on their goals and being focused. The mostly teen group was impressed with his down-to-earth manner and the amount of time he spent with each of them. It will be a morning they will soon not...


    Mar 30, 2017

    TUPPER LAKE – Mrs. Rosemary Mangan, 57, of 173 Park Street, passed away early Friday morning, March 24, 2017 at Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake, where she had been a patient since March 17th. Rosemary was born August 17, 1959 in Cornwall, the daughter of Joseph Jacobs and Helen Mitchell Kennedy, and attended schools in Tupper Lake and Saranac Lake, as well as business school in Syracuse. Rosemary was a private duty home health care aide in the Syracuse area, where she lived for many y...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 30, 2017

    Transparency is about having an open decision making process; it helps strengthen respect, relationships and promotes efficiency and effectiveness in our government. This statement was made in the Tribal Council’s open letter to the community. However, I question whether OUR Tribal Council believes what they write. TCR 2017-18 has to do with council’s creating and appointing members to the Elders Benefit Working Group. I guess the community has not been transparent enough when they overwhelmingly supported the referendum vote on Dec. 3rd to...

  • Senior Center to Show Mohawk Ironworkers Series

    Kaniehtonkie|Mar 30, 2017

    The St. Regis Senior Center will kick off the "Mohawk Ironworkers", a 13 part series originally shown on APTN. Mohawk Ironworkers is a 13-part documentary series, which premiered on APTN. The series celebrates Mohawk ironworkers said to be "the best ironworkers on the planet," exploring their lives and work through a historical and cultural context. The program's focal points include personal issues and challenges faced by ironworkers on a daily basis within their communities, as well as homes...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Testifies in Front of House Energy & Commerce Committee on Broadband Deployment

    Mar 30, 2017

    AKWESASNE - Sixty-eight miles of fiber connects the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's territory to important broadband infrastructure built by Mohawk Networks, a tribally-owned enterprise that is rapidly deploying high-speed Internet to previously unserved communities in Northern New York. On Enniskó:wa/March 21, 2017, Tribal Sub-Chief Michael Conners presented testimony before the U.S. House of Representative's Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. Invited by Congressman...

  • Free Naloxone Training April 29 in Fort Covington

    Mar 30, 2017

    FORT COVINGTON -- Comrades of Hope and Dr. Sally White will sponsor a free naloxone training April 29 at 2 p.m. the Fort Covington Fire Department, 2454 Chateaugay St. Naloxone, sometimes marketed under the name brand Narcan, is a nasal spray that can reverse the effects of an opiate or opioid overdose. It is legal to carry throughout the U.S. and Canada. It works on drugs including heroin, hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone and other opiates and opioids. Participants will be trained in spotting an overdose, be shown how...


    Mar 30, 2017

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has learned that on more than one occasion individuals have driven their vehicles through the wrong lane at the Seaway International Bridge Toll Plaza and against traffic, posing a potential risk to oncoming traffic, the general travelling public, and innocent bystanders and workers. The corridor and border crossing area are congested and likely to have a high volume of traffic passing through at any given time. In every instance, these acts appear to be done deliberately and without consideration for the safety...

  • Trivia Night to Benefit Corleen Jackson

    Mar 30, 2017

    There will be a Trivia Night with Reen Cook on Friday, March 31st at 7pm at the Brass Horse Grille. A Mohawk Auction and Trivia Registration will begin at 6pm. Cost per trivia team is: $80/team of 4 if paid and registered by March 30th. $100/team of 4 on the night of the trivia event, March 31st. Upon payment, pick a stick for bonus points of up to 300 points. To pre-register please contact Deanne Jackson at 315-514-4224 or 613-551-4100. This is a benefit for Corleen Jackson’s medical expenses....


    Mar 30, 2017

    (March 28, 2017) With the announcement that the United States will begin to dismantle the Clean Power Plan, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement reaffirming their ongoing commitment to exceed the targets of the Clean Power Plan and curb carbon pollution: “Dismantling the Clean Power Plan and other critical climate programs is profoundly misguided and shockingly ignores basic science. With this move, the Administration will endanger public health, our environment and our e...

  • Upcoming Blood Donation Opportunities

    Mar 30, 2017

    Massena 4/10/2017: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., VFW Massena, 101 West Hatfield Street Potsdam 4/10/2017: 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Clarkson University ERC, 8 Clarkson Avenue 4/11/2017: 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Clarkson University ERC, 8 Clarkson Avenue Make an appointment to donate blood by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)....


    Mar 30, 2017

    ÓN:KWE Tehatikonsontonkie “faces that are coming” Preserving traditional knowledge for our grandchildren. Will be hosting a Community garden initiative for those interested Kawehnoke residents. The meeting will be Thursday, March 30th at 5:00pm at Ashley Thompson’s home on Chief Thompson Lane on Kawehnoke. WHO WE ARE: ÓN:KWE is a non-profit group that meets regularly. ÓN:KWE was formed in 2015 by a group of families who all shared a similar goal to work together to ensure that traditional knowledge is passed on to our grandchildren. ÓN:KWE w...

  • The Cornwall Innovation Centre Opening in April

    Mar 30, 2017

    (March 23, 2017) CORNWALL, ON – The Cornwall Innovation Centre (CIC) is proud to announce it will open its doors on April 6, 2017. “After much work and planning with generous partners and supporters, we are thrilled to welcome entrepreneurs and innovators to the centre,” said John Rattray, co-chair of the CIC’s Board of Directors. “It’s time to help participants build their dreams and contribute to the success of our community.” The CIC, located at the world-class NAV CENTRE, is an innovation ecosystem designed to ignite new ventures and high-g...

  • New Telephone System at A'nowara'ko:wa Arena

    Mar 30, 2017

    The A’nowara’ko:wa Arena would like to announce that they have a new telephone system in place. You can still call the arena by dialing 613-936-1583 and then reach different personnel at the arena by dialing an extension. Please dial extension 4 to reach the front desk....

  • Tribe's Strategic Plan Implementation Process Continues

    Mar 30, 2017

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is conducting engagement sessions throughout the organization as it takes a phased approach toward implementing the core strategic directions identified in its 10-Year Strategic Plan, titled "Working Together Today to Build a Better Tomorrow – SRMT Strategic Plan 2017-2027." Tribal divisions such as Environment, Community and Family Services, and others have begun meeting with their respective programs in developing their immediate 3, 5, and 10-year goals and o...

  • Men's Healing Journey Through The Creation Story

    Mar 30, 2017

    The Akwesasne Family Wellness Program presents Men’s Healing Journey Through the Creation Story with Harvey Herne on Thursday, March 30th and Friday, March 31st from 10am - 2pm at the Akwesasne Library, 1st floor. There are 15 spots available. Lunch will be provided. Please call SRMT Traditional Support at 518-358-2360 to register....

  • LLV To Host "Build An Ultra-light Canoe" Workshop

    Mar 30, 2017

    CANTON, NY -- Summer will be here before we know it, and the Local Living Venture has teamed up with local canoe builder Bill Sommerfield to learn the art and skill of building an ultra-light canoe for those warm days out on the water we all are waiting for! The boat the group will build together will weigh in at only 12 to 14 pounds, with a capacity of 190 pounds carrying weight. A public interest session will be held on Wednesday, April 5, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. near Canton, NY. Interested ind...

  • MCA Community Health Announces Contest Winner

    Mar 30, 2017

    Community Health had some great information on display at the entrance of Kanonhkwat'sheri:io themed, "February is Heart Health Month." We welcomed everyone to check it out and enter our contest. We held an ongoing contest through the month of February that asked the question, "Name one activity you can do to reduce your risk of Heart Disease?" Some of the answers were EAT HEALTHY, LIMIT ALCOHOL, LIVE SMOKE FREE, and GET ACTIVE. We had 62 participants who answered the question! We had one...

  • Science & Nature on Tap: Climate Action and Clean Energy - Where does Canada go from here?

    Mar 30, 2017

    On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:00pm, Science and Nature on Tap looks at the issue of Climate Change and how clean energy will play a role in how Canada faces its energy future. The special guest speaker for the evening will be Clare Demerse, Federal Policy Advisor with Clean Energy Canada. Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Centre for Dialogue based out of Simon Fraser University. Clare manages Clean Energy Canada’s policy engagement on federal and national issues, focusing on renewable energy, climate p...

  • Reader Comics

    Mar 30, 2017

    Reader comics...

  • MCA Community Health Clean Eating Challenge

    Mar 30, 2017

    The Community Health Program presents the Eat Clean & Get Lean Challenge. Meetings will be every Thursday during lunch hour from 12:15pm - 1:00pm for 6-weeks from April 6th - May 11th at the CIA#3 Building on Kawehno:ke. Please join the challenge if you are: ready to take steps towards healthy eating & living well, ready to eat real nutrient rich food and participate in a 6-week challenge. Sign up for the Clean Eating Challenge by registering online at: https://studiobookingsonline.com/MCAcommunityhealthprogram or by calling Catherine at...

  • How they learned to make Maple Syrup

    Mar 30, 2017

    Mohawk Lesson...

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