A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles written by Monica Peters

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 84

  • Family Media Library Storage

    Monica Peters|Oct 17, 2013

    She:kon Monica, What is the best way for my family to store and share our music and video files? We have thousands of files and we do not want to store them on our computers and laptops. Nia:wen, Too Many Files She:kon Too Many Files, It’s common for anyone to have tens of thousands of songs, videos, podcasts, movies, TV shows, books, apps, and more. A large media library could easily take up space on a 1 Terabyte external hard drive. Running iTunes from a 1 or 2 Terabyte hard drive might make it easier for your family to store and share f...

  • Mobile Apps to Track Your Health

    Monica Peters|Oct 3, 2013

    Author: Monica Peters, MoniGarr.com Dear Monica, I saw something on TV that showed a guy that tracks all of his health information with mobile apps. What do you know about it and how can I track my own health with mobile apps? Signed, Healthy in Akwesasne She:kon Healthy in Akwesasne, The «Quantified Self» is becoming more popular as more and more people become interested in tracking their own health statistics using mobile devices and other popular gadgets. Quantified Self refers to the practice of self-tracking any type of data that is a...

  • Bead Happy Video Conferencing

    Monica Peters|Sep 19, 2013

    Dear Monica, I heard that you host online training with video and screen sharing. I want to do that for my friends so we can learn how to do raised beading together. Can you tell me how to host my own online video conferences? Nia:wen, Bead Happy Dear Bead Happy, You have many options available, but I will suggest one for you and your beading friends. Google Plus Hangouts are a free, easy, and fun way for you and your friends to bead together. You will need a computer or mobile device with camera. You will also need to login to...

  • Online Password Managers

    Monica Peters|Sep 12, 2013

    Dear Monica, Is it safe for me to use online password managers? I like to use them because I have a hard time memorizing all the different passwords I use. Also, is it true the government can access all of my passwords? Signed, Forgetful in Akwesasne Dear Forgetful in Akwesasne, Online bad guys want the most return on their investment, so they are more likely to attack online password managers instead of trying to steal one individual password at a time. Yes, it is possible for someone else to access your passwords and a quick google search...

  • Infographic Fan

    Monica Peters|Aug 29, 2013

    She:kon Monica, I’m looking for endangered language infographics and have not found any that will work for my projects. Do you have any suggestions to help me find good infographics online or how to create my own? O:nen ki:wahi, Infographic Fan She:kon Infographic Fan, One of my favorite online infographics that provides details about the world’s endangered languages is found at http://visual.ly/endangered-languages?view=true. You can also create and share your own free infographics at this website using your own data. I suggest you also con...

  • Skype Scammers

    Monica Peters|Aug 22, 2013

    Dear Monica, Every day I am receiving odd messages and requests to connect from military Generals and high ranking Colonels on Skype. They are looking for a girlfriend and I’m very upset because they are creeping me out and I don’t understand why they keep contacting me. How do they find me and what can I do to make them stop contacting me? Signed, Happily Married Dear Happily Married, Skype does have a very high amount of scammers that target females. The scammers typically make themselves appear to be high ranking military personnel and cla...

  • Education Investments

    Monica Peters|Aug 15, 2013

    Dear Monica, I have three children hoping to go to college and I’ve heard rumors that I can save money on textbooks with the Internet and even attend big name University classes online. Is this true? How does it work? Signed, Education Investor Dear Education Investor, You will be able to rent or buy digital textbooks in the Google Play store very soon. iBooks also provides digital textbooks for some courses. EdX.org offers free online classes from most every big name prestigious University you can imagine. Khan Academy also provides awesome f...

  • Internet on my TV?

    Monica Peters|Aug 8, 2013

    Dear Monica, I noticed your television lets you use the Internet just like a computer. How did you do that? Sincerely, Curious TV Dear Curious TV, I use the Roku and you can find it at most any retailer. You can also find televisions that have Internet features included when you purchase them. Roku and similar devices are nice because they include a remote control and you can quickly find movies from Netflix and many other Internet content providers. You may want to consider the $35 Chromecast HDMI stick because it streams the Internet...

  • Family Friendly Laptops

    Monica Peters|Aug 1, 2013

    Dear Monica, I plan to buy a laptop soon. What should I look for? Signed, I want a Laptop Dear I want a Laptop, The answer depends on your budget and what you intend to use the laptop for. As a student & busy entrepreneur, I prefer the MacBook Pro because the tech support is awesome for anyone that is super busy. It’s actually a fun experience to go visit the Apple “Genius Bar” for technical support and I can continue focusing on my own work and studies. One of my friends is a super busy single mother and a $200 eMachine with Windows 7 provi...

  • Apps for Akwesasnoron

    Monica Peters|Jul 25, 2013

    Just about everyone has a mobile device and tablet these days. Here are a few apps that are awesome to use on a tablet. Instagram is great for documenting your life and sharing interesting views with your network of online friends. You can snap a photo or record video and upload it to Instagram. Filters and effects are also included. Social sharing lets you share with facebook, twitter, linkedin, and more. Kayak uses the full screen to show your travel itinerary and help you plan your trip with powerful search features. Action Movie FX is just...

  • AntiVirus for Windows

    Monica Peters|Jul 18, 2013

    The only antivirus I ever suggest to my friends, relatives, and clients is ClamWin AntiVirus from ClamWin.com. I’ve kept it installed on my own computers with Windows and never had a problem with it for many years now. It’s used daily by more than 600,000 people worldwide and it’s totally free to use. Clamwin never nags you to buy anything and the software developers frequently update the software to protect against new viruses. The website provides a ton of technical information, support, and developers can even download the source code to vo...

  • Big Data in Akwesasne?

    Monica Peters|Jul 11, 2013

    Big data refers to sets of information that are so large and complex that it’s difficult or even impossible to process it with the older technology of database management tools and applications. Capturing, curating, storing, searching, sharing, and analyzing data is a challenge, and can be impossible when the size of the data is always moving and includes a few dozen terabytes or petabytes. About 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day from mobile devices, remote sensors, software logs, microphones, cameras, rfid readers, and w...

  • Online Readers

    Monica Peters|Jul 3, 2013

    If you enjoy reading, you will want to take advantage of the many free cloud storage services including One.Ubuntu.com and DropBox.com, so that you can save and access your ebooks, news feeds, and articles from any computer or device, without being totally dependant on a specific computer. IndianTime.net provides a search box at the top right of the website so you can find articles anytime. Bloglines.com, CommaFeed.com, Pulse.me, and Skimr.co show a history of what you read and lets you mark articles as your favorites. News360.com imports your...

  • The Bridge

    Monica Peters|Jul 3, 2013

    My husband Walter and I were driving across the old bridge from Cornwall back to our home on Kawehno:ke ko:wa (Cornwall Island) this past weekend on June 30th. The sun was shining and the weather was perfect for a walk across our local bridges. I convinced Walter to let me out of the car at the top of the bridge, so I could catch a few more photos and video of the beautiful view to share with Indian Time readers. Each time we drive across the bridge and especially when we are stuck in the long...

  • Akwesasne Toastmasters 2013 Executive Team

    Monica Peters|Jun 20, 2013

    Akwesasne, NY (June 17, 2013) Every second and fourth Wednesday evening from 6pm to 8pm, Akwesasne Toastmasters meet at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino HR Building to work on leadership and public speaking projects. The public is also welcome to attend and see how Akwesasne Toastmasters can help to achieve personal and career goals in a friendly, professional, supportive setting. The executive team for 2013 was voted in and includes Patrick Kelly, President; Justin Cree, VP Education; Maryellen Cooke, VP Membership; Monica Peters, VP Public Relatio...

  • Print Files With Your Android

    Monica Peters|Apr 18, 2013

    Dear Monica, Is it possible for me to print files from my Android device? Sincerely, Print Happy in Akwesasne Dear Print Happy, Yes you can print any file with your Android. Make sure your printer and the computer it’s connected to are on. Use Google Chrome on the computer that the printer is connected to. You must have a Google account. Start the Google Chrome browser on the computer and click the menu button in the upper right of the program window and click Settings. Scroll down and click ‘Show Advanced Settings.’ Scroll down to the Googl...

  • Remotely Control Your Computer with Google Chrome

    Monica Peters|Apr 11, 2013

    Dear Monica, Is it true that I can remotely control my home computer? Sincerely, Akwesasne Traveler. Dear Akwesasne Traveler, Yes you use Google Chrome to control your computer from any remote location. Google Chrome is a web browser and it provides an extension called “Chrome Remote Desktop.” Use the extension so that you or your computer technician can work on your home computer from your home office, the library, or any location on the planet with Internet access. It’s free to download, use, and the public reviews of the extension are high...

  • Akwesasne April Foolists Online

    Monica Peters|Apr 4, 2013

    Dear Monica, Do you have any fun ideas for a few April Fool’s Jokes I can send to my online friends? Nia:wen, Akwesasne Foolist Dear Akwesasne Foolist, April Fool’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. Of course a Google search will provide you with awesome joke ideas. This year, YouTube tricked naive online users that it was actually just a temporary contest website and no more videos were going to be allowed after midnight. I actually had one online friend that contacted me about it to remind me that I should make sure I have a copy of all...

  • How To Break Into a Social Engineering Career?

    Monica Peters|Mar 21, 2013

    Dear Monica, I heard a rumor that I can find good paying online work if I beef up my Social Engineering skills. I don’t know where to start or even if it’s something that is worth my time. What do I search for to get more information? Signed, Future Social Engineering Guru Dear Future Social Engineering Guru, When I hire Internet Marketing specialists to help me with my online businesses, I review their history with specific Social Networks that are most relevant to a specific niche business I am hiring for. The most popular social networks inc...

  • Beware of Downloading Files from the Internet

    Monica Peters|Mar 14, 2013

    Dear Monica, I get annoyed when I browse the Internet and it seems like every website is telling me to install plugins before I can view their content. Can I view websites without being forced to download extra plugins and security updates? Sincerely, Very Annoyed by Plugins Dear Very Annoyed by Plugins, Never feel like you must download and install plugins just to view content on a website. In fact, be very cautious with any website that claims you must download an .exe file before they will allow you to view their images, or videos, or text,...

  • Learn Anything With Instructables.Com Website

    Monica Peters|Feb 28, 2013

    Dear Monica, Can you suggest a reputable website that will help me to learn about more than just computer skills? Signed, Curious George Dear Curious George, My absolute favorite website for finding interesting and entertaining online instructions is the Instructables.com website. The website provides pdf documents with images and videos to show you how to garden, cook, sew, and really any topic you can imagine. If you know how to make something unique, you can also create your own Instructables.com tutorial and upload it to the website. The...

  • Google Glass Contest

    Monica Peters|Feb 21, 2013

    Non-developers can enter a contest to purchase internet-enabled Google Glasses called “Google Glass.” The glasses are worn like eyeglasses and record audio and video of the user to be uploaded to YouTube and shared. To enter you need a Twitter or Google+ account and you have to post a short message about what you would use Google Glass for, if you were given a set. Your Twitter or Google+ post must be 50 words or less in length with the hashtag #ifihadglass. Your entry must be posted online before February 27th. The winners will be invited to...

  • How To Manage A HUGE Family Tree

    Monica Peters|Feb 14, 2013

    Dear Monica, I tried to manage my family tree with an excel spreadsheet but I have a feeling there must be an easier option. Can you suggest an easy effective family tree management software? Dear Huge Family Tree, I suggest you make a list of the tasks that you do the most with your excel spreadsheet while you are working on your family tree. Then go to the Help link at the top right of the excel spreadsheet and search for Keyboard Shortcuts for each of those tasks you just wrote down. Make note of each keyboard shortcut on your list and keep...

  • Your Personal Cloud

    Monica Peters|Feb 7, 2013

    Dear Monica, What is all this talk about having my own personal cloud on the interwebs? Why would I want my own cloud? I have a lot of gadgets I don’t even use, why add more to the pile? Sincerely, Cloudy & Confused. Dear Cloudy and Confused, When you save your files, music, pictures, videos on the Internet, the space where all your data is saved on the Internet (with a file sharing service), is sometimes referred to as a “Cloud”. You can think of your own personal Cloud as the place where your files are stored and waiting for you to acces...

  • Computer Corner

    Monica Peters|Jan 31, 2013

    Dear Monica, What is Linux? Should I install it on my old computer? Sincerely, Looking at Linux. Dear Looking at Linux, Linux is a computer operating system (OS). The most popular OS are from Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft offers Windows and Apple offers OS X Mountain Lion. Operating systems that are not as popular include Google Chrome and Linux. Linux is open source, free to download, and free to install. You can install Linux to either replace the old operating system or as another option on the same computer. Computer technicians like to in...

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