A Voice from the Eastern Door

CCVS Class of 2016 Commencement

On Thursday, June 30, 2016, more than 300 people packed into the T.R. Leger auditorium to watch the Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School Class of 2016 Convocation. One hundred and twenty-one students received diplomas and awards.

Twenty-one CCVS graduates hailed from Akwesasne.

Antoine Barnes, Gage Benedict, Lindsay Benedict, Kobryn Chaussi, Madison Delormier, Tashawna Francis, Aidan Francis-Forgues, Cherri Jacobs, Nita Jacobs, Kiana Jacobs-Thompson, Taelor Jock, Anthony Jock, Drayton Johnson, Amanda Lazore, Skyler Mitchell, Adam Oakes, Montana Oakes-Jacobs, Kyle Skidders, Jillian Tarbell, Dalton Thomas and Preston Thompson.

CCVS graduates walked to Pomp and Circumstance as they entered onto the T.R. Leger auditorium stage and proceeded to their seats. O Canada opened up the convocation ceremony.

Mr. David McDonald, Trustee representing the City of Cornwall and the Upper Canada District School board greeted guests and congratulated graduates on their accomplishment. In his unique speech to the students he referenced iTunes and the top 10 downloaded songs, including each song title as part of his speech.

Ms. Donna Lahache, Director of the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education also greeted and welcomed attendees. In a short speech she said, "Only 36% of First Nations youth graduate from high school. Your accomplishment in reaching this milestone is significant for all First Nations people. Be Proud. Today, we celebrate as 21 Mohawk students graduate from CCVS. Of the 21 CCVS graduates, 15 will be pursuing a post-secondary diploma."

Tim Mills, Superintendent from the Senior Administration of the Upper Canada District School Board, touched on the proud relationship between the Ahkwesahsne Board of Education and the Upper Canada District School Board. He also stressed that Cornwall and the Upper Canada District School Board welcomes everyone, including international students, and we are proud of that.

Mr. Christian Boulay, Principal of CCVS, reminded students of the adversity they face throughout their high school career as they mourned the loss of three fellow classmates. "They are here with us today," stated Mr. Boulay.

Following the presentation of diplomas and awards, the CCVS Class of 2016 Co-Valedictorians were announced. Jade Marshall and Dalton Thomas took the stage, representing the Class of 2016.

Jade Marshall and Dalton Thomas shared the mic as they took turns honoring their journey and the important people, including parents, teachers and staff who supported and guided them along the way.

Dalton Thomas, the chosen male Valedictorian, made reference to his education in Akwesasne by saying, "As a Mohawk of Akwesasne, I am very honored and proud to be your male Valedictorian. I remember stepping off the bus four years ago and beholding CCVS for the first time. The previous eight grades were spent at schools in Akwesasne, all Mohawk students, naturally we are afraid of the unknown. Stepping into CCVS for the first time, I didn't know what to expect. The first weeks were rough obviously, but the diversity that CCVS offers, that we are all so proud of, helped ease the transition."

He ended by saying, "Success comes from the support that you get from your family, friends and teachers. I personally would like to thank Ms. McDonald...teachers...and my Mom for her undying support and for also giving me lunch money everyday..."

Congratulation CCVS Class of 2016! Best Wishes!

Tashawna Francis

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (College)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Dr. Danielle Dubuc, Optometrist Award

• Enbridge Aboriginal Bursary

• Wade Lafrance Memorial Award

Drayton Johnson

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Raider Recognition Award

Kiana Jacobs-Thompson

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Award

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Bank of Montreal Aboriginal Bursary

• Kawehnoke Recreation Award

Amanda Lazore

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Akwesasne Economic Development Agency Award

• Dr. Danielle Dubuc, Optometrist Award

• Enbridge Aboriginal Bursary

Gage Benedict

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Brody Ostrom Memorial Bursary

• Student Success Initiative Award

Kyle Skidders

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (University)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Jason Lapierre Memorial Award

• John Angus Carther Scholarship

Adam Oakes

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (University)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

Jillian Tarbell

• Ontario Secondary School Certificate

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

Antoine Barnes

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (College)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Akwesasne Justice Department Award

• Chaussi/Cook Memorial Award

Dalton Thomas

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ontario Scholar

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (University)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Bank of Montreal Aboriginal Bursary

• CKON Communication Award

• Guy Lauzon, M.P. Bursary

• Mohawk Gaming Enterprise Scholarship

• St. Regis Recreation Involvement Award

• Wade Lafrance Memorial Award

Taelor Jock

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Andrew W. Cook American Legion Post 1479 Scholarship

• Gerald J. Sharrow Memorial Award

Montana Oakes-Jacobs

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• AMBE Parent Committee Award

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

Preston Thompson

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Akwesasne Justice Department Award

• Chaussi/Cook Memorial Award

• Enbridge Aboriginal Bursary

Kobryn Chaussi

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

Aidan Francis-Forgues

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ontario Scholar

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Award

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Bank of Montreal Aboriginal Bursary

• Kawehnoke Recreation Award

Madison Delormier

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ontario Scholar

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (College)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Bank of Montreal Aboriginal Bursary

• CKON Communication Award

• Native North American Travelling College Award

Cherri Jacobs

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Award

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Bank of Montreal Aboriginal Bursary

• Gordon and Kaye Coleman Scholarship Fund

Anthony Jocko

• Certificate of Accomplishment

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

Nita Jacobs

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (College)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Wade Lafrance Memorial Award

Lindsay Benedict

• Ontario Secondary School Diploma

• Dr. Arthur and Anna Battista Scholarship (College)

• Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Graduation Bursary

• Andrew W. Cook American Legion Post 1479 Scholarship Award

• Seven Generations Award

• Snye (Tsi Snaihne) Recreation Community Service Award


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