A Voice from the Eastern Door

Charlie Bishop Presented with Wayne Castor Fan Award

On Wednesday, January 30, 2013, Charlie Bishop was presented with the Wayne Castor Fan award for his display of loyalty and dedication as a fan of the Salmon River Central School Hockey Team. The Wayne Castor Fan Award is given each year to a deserving fan that has shown his or her dedication by cheering on all team players, showing good sportsmanship as a fan and being there to help out the team when needed. We all know how much support is needed to make a successful team, from the dedicated hockey Mom and Dad to the hard playing team member, from the fans in the stands to the SRCS students traveling far and wide to get to each game; it takes a whole lot of people to make a great hockey team. Each year someone stands out as a great fan to the Salmon Boys and this year Bishop has shown to all he is one great fan.

Presenting the Wayne Castor Fan Award was Elaine Castor, widow of Wayne Castor along with their son Kevin. Also there as a show of appreciation to Bishop were several Barnes Family members; James Barnes, Leona Barnes, James Barnes Jr., Tsionatiio Laughing, Lauren Barnes and several nieces and nephews. Ken Kane of Kahnahwake, a close friend of Wayne Castor and former SRCS hockey parent, has donated the award for the past seven years and personally delivered the trophy to Elaine Castor to present to Charlie Bishop.

Wayne Castor was the father of Peter and Kevin Castor and uncle to Sawentanon and Teio Skidders, and Jim Barnes, chosen uncle to Logan Kane, Curry Rice and countless other players of the Salmon River Central Hockey and Lacrosse teams. He gave of himself effortlessly. He was there when you needed a ride, your skates sharpened, and a pat on the back for a game well played and gave words of encouragement when things didn’t go so well on the ice. He was there for his son, his nephews and all members of the team. And he was there for the parents and fans. Most of all he was there for the love of the game and what “the game” gave back to each player. Congratulations Charlie Bishop.


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