A Voice from the Eastern Door


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  • Hánio Kanienkéha Tsitewatá:ti

    Oct 3, 2024

    1. Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne 27 tewáhsen tsiá:ta shiská:rahkwe ne Seskehkó:wa Friday, the date was the 27th of September 2. Sahonwatiia'tahní:rate They strengthen it again 3. Ne ratitsiénhaiens tanon Akwiratékha The Councilors and Grand Chief Leonard Lazore 4. Kanenhrowanen:ne Wa'thonwatirenhsaron A big crowd praised them 5. Oié:ri Nikón:ti ne konnón:kwe wa'kontáweia'te 10 women got in 6. Áhsen nihá:ti ne ronnón:kwe wahontáweia'te 3 men got in 7. Akwé:kon ronatonhnháhere...

  • Legends of our Nation

    Oct 3, 2024

    The Prophecy of The Great White Serpent The Prophecy of the Great White Serpent is known by many Indian nations. This happened a long time ago. Two young warriors who were recognized by their village as being great hunters, decided to go east towards the rising sun in search of bigger game. They hunted until they came across a great body of water. They noticed that the water was different – it was salty. They also noticed something lying on a log, drifting towards them. Something strange, never seen by these hunters before. They began to a...

  • Legends of our Nation

    Sep 26, 2024

    Continued from last week. The Very Angry Ghost Young men never know how to behave themselves. They should learn good manners from their elders, but they seldom do. One day, long ago an old warrior who had counted many coups in his days took three young braves with him on a raid to steal horses from the Pawnees, ancient enemies of the Sioux. “Stealing Horses” – this is what the white man called it. But it was really a sport practiced by all the Plains tribes. To creep into an enemy village quietly, unseen, and to make off with their herd right...

  • Kanenna'kè:ne Ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe

    Sep 26, 2024

    1. Iakhihshtha'okòn:'a nia'té:kon ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe Our grandparent did a lot of activities 2. Rotihehtowanén:ne They had big gardens 3. Ká:ne enkanenna:ke'ne enthontáhsawen enhatitenhnthó:ko ne rotiienthóhseron As soon as it turns fall they harvest their crops 4. Thatihnenna'tóhkwate They pick potatoes 5. Ókia'ke óksak kaiá:rakon enhonnéta'a tsi enhonthnenna'tateweièn:ton They store potatoes 6. Ókia'ke ohontsió:kon enhati'nerohkón:ni Some make a box 7. Enhon'kenhráta'a...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Sep 19, 2024

    Continued from last week. Zoong-dae-ae felt confident he would do well because he knew the area. Also, his father had prepared his bow and arrows, told him where to go, what for and what to do. With this help and encouragement, Zoong-dae-ae left his parent’s lodge and village. As evening came, Zoong-dae-ae returned to the village with four partridges and four rabbits. Never before had he done so well. Zoong-da-ae was sure his father would be pleased and was certain no other boy would bring back as much game. He said a prayer of thanksgiving t...

  • Sahiateweien'tón:nion Ne Teiohiakháhon!

    Sep 19, 2024

    1. Sahióhare ne teiohiakháhon! Wash the tomato! 2. Skahréhkiak ne teiohiakháhon! Pluck the stems off the tomatoes! 3. Saté:kat ne karistátsi! Light the stove! 4. Karistà:ke ne kana'tsiowá:nen ! Put the big pot on the stove! 5. Tehshnekónkieht! Boil the water! 6. Kana'tsiowá:nen séta ne teiohiakháhon! Put the tomatoes in a big pot! 7. Sá:io ne teiohiakháhon 1 mínut ! Boil the tomatoes 1 minutes ! 8. Sewístot ne teiohiakháhon! Cool the tomatoes in ice! 9. Sera'wistótshi ne teiohiakháhon! Pe...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Sep 12, 2024

    Printed by North American Travelling College The Robin Many years after the marriage of Pigaigun (Rib) and his wife Waubenoqua (Women of the Dawn), a son was born to them. They named him Zoong-dae-ae (Strong Hearted). The birth of their son made the parents extremely happy and grateful. Pigaigun wanted his son to be a great warrior, hunter and outstanding to all the people. To be successful in these ideals, Pigaigun planned to teach his son courage, strength, endurance and the skills of hunting and fishing. The training began as soon as...

  • Clanology

    Sep 5, 2024

    Continued from last week. The next morning the old Bear Clan woman woke to find the old man in severe pain. The Bear Clan woman felt so sorry for the old man and asked what she could do to help him be more comfortable. He told the old woman that in the forest where the hardwood trees grow there are patches of medicine plants. He described exactly what they looked like and gave the old lady sacred tobacco to offer to the leader of the medicine patch. He told her how to wash the medicine, how many roots, how much water to use, how long and how ho...

  • Wa'tkanon'onserahio'tsistáhrho

    Sep 5, 2024

    1. Tekenon'onhserahio'tsistáhrhos I am pickling cucumbers 2. Enkonrihónnien tsi niieiéhrha I will teach you how it is done 3. Senon'onhseróhare ne tíkokon! Wash the cucumbers! 4. Skwe'tarón:ko ne iohiátkens! Take out the bad spots! 5. Tesanon'onhserón:ko ne tíkokon! Slice the cucumbers! 6. Sera'wistótshi tanon tese'nionkserakenserón:ko! Peel and slice the onion! 7. Kowá:nen katshè:takon séta ne o'niónkseri tánon tíkokon! Place the onions and cucumbers in a big container! 8. Kiohìo:tsis è:ne...

  • Saionteweiensta :ne Tsi Ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa

    Aug 29, 2024

    1. Saionteweiensta:ne She is going back to school 2. Tsi ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa College/university 3. Sontehnhotón:ko It opened again 4. Sontehnhotonkwanión:ko Many opened again 5. Iakotateweiennentá:'on ken? Is she ready? 6. Hen, iakotateweiennentá:'on Yes, she is ready 7. Í:iah, í:iah árok teiakotateweiennentá:'on No, she is not yet ready 8. Sahsheiatórien kénh tsi niió:re ne tsi ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa? Did you drive her back to college? 9. Hen, sakheiatórien tsi niió:re ne t...

  • Clanology

    Aug 15, 2024

    Continued from last week Wakes, Funerals, and the Clan When someone passes away it is said that their life fire went out. If a person from the Bear Clan passes away, it means that all the people who sit on the side of the Bear Clan are in mourning and are called Rotinikonhkwenhtara:on (their minds have fallen down). A representative of the family of the deceased notifies a Roia:ne or Faithkeeper of the opposite side of the nation’s fire, (Wolf and Turtle Clan People). The opposite side immediately calls a meeting of their men and women. It b...

  • Wa'kaná:to'ne

    Aug 15, 2024

    1. Tekaweratase'kó:wa Hurricane 2. Katsiskaiennià:tha Hurricane 3. Debby ratinatónkhwa They called it Debby 4. Ka'sátste ne tekaweratase'kó:wa entkáhawe ne io'sátste tsi entka'nahkwáweron A strong hurricane brings heavy rainstorms 5. Ioniatò:'on A flood 6. Taio'nahkwáweron tsi na'okén:nore It was very rainy 7. Tsi niió:re e :neken niaháhe ne okennoréhtshera kaieronnítston teionhkará:ke niaháhe ne énska wa'kahwistà:'eke There was a record level of rain of more than 2 inches per hour 8. Sótsi...

  • Tontahonatkehrontakwenhákie Ne Ase'shòn:'a

    Aug 8, 2024

    1. Tontaionatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a They (women) are coming back from selling vegetables 2. Tontahotkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a He is coming back from selling vegetables 3. Tontaionkwatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a We are coming back from selling vegetables 4. Tontahonatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a They (men or men and women) are coming back from selling vegetables 5. Tontahotinehsio'tatkehrontakwenhákie They are coming back from selling cabbages 6. Tontahot...

  • Clanology

    Aug 8, 2024

    Continued from last week. Akwesasne Mohawk Nation Council and the Clans There is a special arrangement of the Rontiianehson. This seating arrangement is a structure which enables laws to be made in a structured way. Years ago, some of the leaders changed the seating of the clans and their functions. They kept the format and the same procedural structure. The following explains the way the Council functions today. The Council is separated in three parts. The first part of the Council is the well and the three Rotiianehson of the Turtle Clan sit...

  • Tontaiakotkehrontakwenhákie Ne Ase'shòn:'a

    Aug 1, 2024

    1. Tontaiakotkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a She is coming back from selling vegetables 2. Tontaiakonehsio'tatkehrontakwenhákie She is coming back from selling cabbages 3. Tontaiakotsi'tsiatkehrontakwenhákie ne tekatsi'tsiakhánion She is coming back from selling broccoli 4. Tontaiakonon'onseratkehrontakwenhákie ne kanon'ónseres She is coming back from selling zucchini 5. Tontaiakonon'onseratkehrontakwenhákie ne tí:kokon She is coming back from selling cucumbers 6. Tontaiakot...

  • Clanology

    Aug 1, 2024

    Was a:se The Thunder Dance and the Clans In the Longhouse at Akwesasne the Thunder Dance is put through two times a year. The first Thunder Dance is put on shortly after the very first thunder is heard. Usually, it is in the month of March or April. A fire is made outside of the Longhouse at the western end. A Bear Clan man is chosen to lead the other young men and boys who portray the Thunder Beings whom we always address as our grandfathers. Also, the Wolf and Turtle Clan chose one man each to represent or lead their men and boys in the Dance...

  • Kén:tho Tsi Kanenhstá:ton Sewahnínon ne Ase'shòn:'a O'nhónhsa tánon O'wà:ron

    Jul 25, 2024

    1. Ne Roia'tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien'kéha Onkwehonwé:ne Ratiienhnthóhshne ratiiénhnthos é:so ne ase'shón:'a Blair tsi iohatákie nón:we The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe's farm grows many vegetables on Blair Road 2. Rontkrè:rons ne ase'shòn:'a ratiiénthos tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa They sell vegetables at the farmer's market 3. Tsi iohatákie 37 ohén:ton tsi iewennahnotahkhwa enhontekhwahra'tsheró:ten They set up by the library on Route 37 4. Khia'teiohia'kserá:te ne Soséhne nikahá:wi énska iawén:re niiohwist...

  • Clanology

    Jul 25, 2024

    Aton:wa Ceremony (Name Raising) The Aton:wa Ceremony is referred to as the personal thanksgiving chant; it is also known as the name raising, or confirmation of the names given to babies. The ceremony of Aton:wa is originally intended for the males. In Akwesasne the girl babies are also included except that they don't have a song sung for them when they get their name confirmed. Aton:wa comes from the word Atonhets which means your soul, your spirit, or your life-giving force. The Aton:wa ceremo...

  • Iewakenónhne ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston

    Jul 18, 2024

    1. Iewakenónhne ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston I went to the Akwesasne Art Market and Art Show 2. Akhwá:tsire tánon i :'i tho : ieionkwenónhne My family and I went as well 3. Ka'nón:we niioterihwahtenkia'tón:ne? Where was the Art Market? 4. Ahkwesáhshne nón:we tsi kanakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroriatáhkhwa It was held at Generations Park in Akwesasne 5. Kelly Back wa'ontkwé:ni kí:ken iohseratákie ne akwáh aonha :'a ioia...

  • Clanology

    Jul 18, 2024

    Continued from last week. Weddings and Clans A young man of the Bear Clan and a young woman of the Wolf Clan plan to get married. This is proper, and their will become good candidates to become Faithkeepers, Clan Mothers, or Rotiianehson. A couple cannot marry unless they have the consent of both their mothers. In traditional marriages, you can be forty years old, but you would still need the consent of your mother. A couple desiring to get married must make a request to the council of Chiefs...

  • Tasewatken'sé:ra ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston

    Jul 11, 2024

    1. Tasewatken'sé:ra ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston Entákta, Ohiarihkó:wa ia :ia'k enhká:ra'ne Come to the Akwesasne Art Market and Art Show on Saturday, July 6 2. Tenhontenonhwará:ton ne Kanien'kéha karáhston tánon tsi niionkwariho :ten enthónhka'we ne Ahkwesáhshne tehontstikáhwha'as It's a celebration of Mohawk art and culture presented by Akwesasne Travel 3. Ahkwesáhshne nón:we Tsi kanakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroriatáh...

  • Clanology

    Jul 11, 2024

    Continued from last week. Iakoia:ne In the Mohawk Nation there are nine Kontiianehson. They are the head women of a large extended family within each clan. They are the women who are referred to as Clan Mothers. The Kotiianehson are responsible for the probes of selecting a Roia:ne (man leader) or deposing a Roia:ne, if he fails to perform his official duties. For each principle Roia:ne title there are four assistants: Iakoiane (clan mother) Roia:ne (principal man leader) Raterontanonha (man sub-leader) “He takes care of the tree” is the lit...

  • Clanology

    Jul 3, 2024

    Continued from last week. On the first day of the Satekohsehon (midwinter festival), the leader will announce that all people (women and men) from the Wolf, Turtle and Snipe Clan will enter by the men’s door (East Door) until the entire Midwinter Festival is completed. On the first day the Bear, Eel and Deer Clan will enter the Longhouse from the women’s door to the west. This practice is done only at Midwinter Ceremonies. Many times, people forget and come in the wrong door at Midwinter. The people remind them in a playful and joking way and...

  • Wa'akhiienawá'se Ne Katshenen'ó:kon

    Jul 3, 2024

    1. Wa'onkwaién:ta'ne ne iontetsièn:tshne ne katshenen'ó:kon We had a clinic for pets 2. Ohiaríha wísk tánon ià:ia'k wa'ká:ra'ne June 5th and 6th was the date 3. Tsi Ron'shwathà:ke At the fire station 4. Tsieià:ta akokstén:ha, Jean iontákia'ts One elder, Jean is her name 5. Tanon ne ronwahwente n:'a, Ron ronwá:ia'ts And her nephew, Ron is his name 6. Wahotiió'ten katshé:nen iontétsien'ts Lauren Kleine wa'kenikwatá:ko akiaterihwahténkia'te They worked with a veterinarian named Lauren Kleine...

  • Clanology

    Jun 27, 2024

    Continued from last week. Rotinenio’thro:non The Deer Clan The Deer Clan people are originally from the Onondaga or the Cayuga Nations. The people of the Deer Clan are generally on the timid and shy side. They tend to form an opinion quickly. They don’t always gather all the facts on which to make a decision. The Deer Clan people are easily intimidated and somewhat athletic. They are a people of good intentions as long as there are people to break the ice. They tend to be followers more than bold leaders. They are generally kindhearted but are...

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