A Voice from the Eastern Door


Clan System of the Iroquois - Native north American Travelling College

History of the Clans

Many thousands of years ago the population of the humans on the earth was very small. As years passed it increased considerably. Along with this increase many problems began to occur. Many new villages were created, and families grew further apart. There was a time when first cousins were considered like brother and sister, but now first cousins had become like strangers. The respect and love family members had for one another diminished, causing social problems in all the villages. With the larger population the number of deaths increased. During this period of history, it was customary for a family to mourn or be in grief for their loved ones for a period of one year. The human population grew so much that the people of the villages found themselves in constant grief. The one-year mourning period would not be completed before another family member died. It became a common sight to see people and families openly crying and in grief. This situation caused the people not to function properly or nominally. The elders of the villages began to notice that our ceremonies, the Four Sacred Rituals, were becoming less and less attended by the people. When the people performed the Four Sacred Rituals, those who recited and conducted the ceremonies became hard to find, and those who did had difficulty remembering how to do them properly.

One day the elders became alarmed and called a meeting of all the people of the villages. The people were told of the basic problems, and all were asked for ideas that would result in restoring peace and respectability.

Many meetings were called by the elders in an attempt to find a solution or a way that could restore stability to all the people; none of the meetings were successful. After several attempts, finally there was a man who did stand up. This man was very young and had a reputation of never saying a single word to anyone. At one of the meetings, he stood up and asked for permission to respond to the request of the elders.

The man said that he had been observing all the life forms made by the Creator and from that observation came several ideas that could solve the problems of the people. He told the people that the Creator made all kinds of waters: "Some waters are known as lakes, some are known as creeks, some are known as rivers, and some are known as oceans, but they are all bodies of water." He said, "The Creator made all the birds. Some of the birds are called the eagles, some are called the black birds, some are called the robins, and some are called the crows. All of these birds are birds, but each have their own way and their own name." The man told everyone that even the wind was divided into different groups: "The cold wind comes from the north, the warm wind comes from the south, the wet wind comes from the west, and the no-planting wind of the east. All of these winds are simply wind, but each has its own job and character." The man told all the people they should follow the example of nature which the Creator made. If the people follow the ways of nature, then they too will divide themselves into manageable working groups.

Continued next week.

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