A Voice from the Eastern Door

Cline House Gallery's 2nd Annual Juried Show

Over 90 artists submitted work with many submitting more than one piece for the 2nd Annual Cline House Gallery Exhibit. The number of submissions was well over 250 individual pieces of artwork resulting in the Gallery's decision to choose only one piece per artist. The jurors based their decisions upon the technical use of materials, design, originality, and the evocative power of each work.

The 2nd Annual Cline House reception for art lovers, artists and judges was held on Thursday, January 25th. Three main awards were given out with one overall – outstanding piece of work chosen unanimously between the tree judges.

Eliska Smiley, Cline Gallery guest juror wrote, "Victoria Ransom's captivating painting seized my attention with its audacious use of vibrant green, a hue seldom explored on such a large canvas. The bold choice of this color serves as a powerful symbol of nature, fertility, harmony, and new beginnings... The narrative woven into the canvas is equally compelling-an elder being honored for the timeless craft of basket weaving... It is with great pleasure that I award this first-choice honor, recognizing its ability to evoke a deep sense of wonder, appreciation, and contemplation."


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