A Voice from the Eastern Door


I was sick – Part 2

21. Onkwen'tskwe'nanón:wake My chest hurt

22. Wentó:re tsi wa'katón:rie I had a difficult time breathing

23. Onkhnia'sanón:wake My throat hurt

24. Ón:tohkwe It was inflamed

25. Onkwatewennahtón:ni I lost my voice

26. Onkwatenià:ko My lymph nodes were swollen

27. Onktsi'niónhkerote My nose was running

28. Wa'tewakenión:kweke My nose was stuffed up

29. Wa'tewaki'tsionhstánion I was sneezing a lot

30. Wa'tekhwishénhiie I was exhausted

31. Onkí:ta'we I did sleep

32. Kwáh í:ken onkenonhwá:kten I was very sick

33. Onkí:tenhta'ne I was pitiful

34. Onkenó:ron'se I was at the end of my strength

35. Onkéhrhen'ne I survived the night

36. Akwáh í:kehre ónhte athorahserakó:wa onkié:na I think I caught the flu

37. I:iah té:rehre ne ratétsients waktsina'kwanóhston wakié:nen The doctor did not think I had pneumonia

38. W a'tewakonriò:rarake I think I had bronchitis

39. Ó:nen é:so sewakatkwatákwen I feel much better now

40. Ronakiohkowá:nen rotinonhwaktanión:ni Many people are getting sick


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