A Voice from the Eastern Door

Bombay Farm Owner Presented with GardenShare Growing Community Award

Reprinted with permission from North Country Now

CANTON – John Bonaparte, of Bare Bones Farm in Bombay, has been recognized as the 2023 Growing Community Award recipient.

Each year, GardenShare recognizes an individual or organization whose efforts strengthen the food system and/or increase food security in northern New York State. Past recipients have included farmers, food service staff, a food bank, community groups, and others.

Agriculture has always been a part of Bonaparte's life, with a focus on horticulture over the last seven years. John is involved in a multitude of pursuits throughout our community.

Since 2019 he has volunteered for the Cornell Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener program where he works to promote good gardening and environmental practices, and support those in need of gardening guidance. Additionally in 2019 John helped start the Akwesasne Farmers Market, where he still serves as a market manager. He also runs Bare Bones Farm in Bombay, a diversified farm focused on ethically growing food and providing space for future Mohawk farmers to learn a variety of agricultural skills, and works with Akwesasne Seed Hub and a group in the Hudson Valley of New York to encourage the growth of traditional Haudenosaunee produce varieties on Mohawk ancestral farming lands, aiming to bring seeds and food back to Akwesasne.

In the fall of 2020 John was nominated to serve as a member of the Cornell Cooperative Ag Advisory Committee in Franklin County, as well as serving on the leadership council of Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance. His tireless work ethic, boundless respect for the land, and passion for regenerative agriculture is an inspiration to growers young and old.

Bonaparte expressed that it is a great honor to receive this award.

"Believing in the power of consciously grown local food and agricultural products is key to creating a stronger local economy, increasing access to nutritious, seasonal and culturally relevant foods. It is about building and maintaining something sustainable that future generations will be thankful for and proud of," said Bonaparte.

"I enjoy having conversations with John. His enthusiastic nature and desire to help his community access local food motivates you to want to accomplish more. John's determination to address food security, dignity, and equality for all embodies the spirit of this award," says Executive Director Carlene Doane.


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