A Voice from the Eastern Door

COTTAGE FOR SALE - Lot 8 St. Francis Island

It is 1300 square foot, three bedrooms


• fully furnished cottage

• lawnmower

• 12/24 v fridge

• 40 ft. dock

• Tiki bar

• Solar panels

This is a leased lot with a current annual rent of $2,820.00 for the period of May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2025. The lease is for a fifteen-year term effective May 1, 2019, to April 30, 2034. Rent reviews are conducted every three years during the term of the lease.

Buyer will be required to complete an Application to Lease and obtain approval to lease prioe to the purchase.

The asking price is $90,000.

For further information, please contact Kevin Debattista @ kevindebattista@hotmail.com

**There is currently a rent reduction in effect for members of Akwesasne which sets the rent at 25% per year for the five-year period from 2022 to 2027.


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