A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Nikahá:wi Tetewatenonhwará:tons Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwas

Thanksgiving time questions and answers

1. Satateweiennentà:'on kénh ne tsi nikahá:wi tetewatenonhwará:tons? Are you ready for Thanksgiving?

2. Hén, wakatateweiennentà:'on Yes, I am ready

3. Í:iah, í:iah árok tewakatateweiennentà:'on No, I am not ready yet

4. Ó:nen kénh satenna'tsherahninonhrónhne? Have you done your grocery shopping yet?

5. Hén, ó:nen akwé:kon wakatenna'tsherá:ien Yes, I have all the groceries

6. Í:iah, í:iah árok tewakatenna'tsherahní:non No, I have not bought groceries yet.

7. Sekhwahrà:ne kénh? Are you going to put up a feast?

8. Hén, kekhwahrà:ne I am going to put up the feast

9. Í:iah tekekhwahrà:ne. Rakonháhwaha tsi thonónhsote enkakhwà:rane. No, I am not going to put up the feast. It will be at my brother-in-law's house.

10. Í:se kénh akwé:kon enhsekhón:ni? Will you do all the cooking?

11. Hén, í:'i akwé:kon enkekhón:ni Yes, I will do all the cooking

12. Í:iah, í:iah akwé:kon tekekhonnià:ne. Khe'kèn:'a eniekhón:ni. No, I am not going to be doing all the cooking. My younger sister will cook.

13. Oh nahò:ten énhserihte? What will you cook?

14. Enkate'skón:ten ne skawiró:wane I will roast the turkey

15. Kheièn:'a tekahnenna'tahríhton enié:rihte tánon tó:kwahre ohsè:rha My daughter will cook mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce

16. Riièn:'a tewá:ia enhatenna'tarón:ten My son will make pie

17. Ónhka enie'sehrhón:ni? Who will make the gravy?

18. Kheienhwatèn:'a enie'sehrhón:ni My niece will make the gravy

19. Tó: niiohwistà:'e wa'tehsatska'hòn:ne? What time are you going to eat?

20. Wísk niiohwistà:'e teiakwatska'kòn:ne We are going to eat at 5

21. Ia'tekaié:ri kénh tsi nisanáktote ne tsi tisanónhsote? Do you have enough room at your house?

22. Hén, wakenonhsowá:nen enwá:ton akwé:kon ne akhwá:tsire ia'teniakwaia'taié:ri'ne Yes, I have a big house so we can fit all my family in to eat

23. Í:iah, í:iah khia'tekaié:ri tsi tewakenáktote ne tsi tewakenónhsote. Nè:'e aorì:wa ri'kèn:'a enthahkhwà:ren. No, I do not have enough room at my house. That is why my younger brother is going to host the dinner.

24. Oh nahò:tenk kénh sewaterihwahtenkia'tà:ne nó:nen ensewakhwèn:ta'ne? Do you have plans for what you all will do after dinner?

25. Hen, oh naho:tenk iakwaterihwahtenkia'tà:ne. Tóka nón:wa tsi wani'tskwahráhtsheres eniakwá:rate tánon tká:ra'as eniakwaterò:roke. Yes, we have plans. We will probably lay on the couch and watch TV

26. Ì:iah, í:iah thahò:ten teiakwaterihwahtenkia'tà:ne nó:nen eniakwakhwén:ta'ne No, we do not have plans for after dinner

27. Ónhka entsieksóhare? Who will do the dishes?

28. Kheio'okòn:'a enhshatiksóhare My children will do the dishes

29. Í:iah tewakaterièn:tare ónhka entsieksóhare I don't know who will do the dishes

30. Enkateweièn:ton ne iotatèn:ron kákhwa kawistohthahtsherá:kon I will put the leftover food away in the refrigerator


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