A Voice from the Eastern Door


They did fish

1. Kí:ken onkiahia'kserò:kten This past weekend

2. Shiwentákta Last Saturday

3. Kaié:ri niwáhsen kióhton nihatíhne ratiksa'okòn:'a wahonkià:taren ne ratiksa'okòn:'a wahonhrióhkawine 49 Children participated in kids for fishing

4. Atsià:kta iahonhtenténkia'te ne kahonwé:ia The boats were launched from Atsiákta

5. Wahatiweientéhta'ne ne khehkheioné:non na'teiotikióhkwake They learned about invasive species

6. Wahatiweientéhta'ne ne ohontsia'kéhkha aorihwa'shòn:'a They learned about environmental issues

7. Wahatiweientéhta'ne tsi niiótteron ne kanonhkwa'tsheráksen They learned about the dangers of drugs

8. Wahatiweientéhta'ne oh ní:ioht tsi enhsaten'nikón:raren ne kahonweiá:ke They learned about boat safety

9. Wahatiweientéhta'ne oh ní:ioht tsi enhsataten'nikón:raren ne ohneká:ke They learned about safety on the water

10. W ahatiweientéhta'ne oh nonkié:ren tsi entá:on'k énhsatste ne wakia'ta'keráhkhwa akià:tawi They learned why they must use a life jacket

11. Io rihowá:nen enkarihwahseronníhake nó:nen ónhkak enionthonwá:reke It is important to have a plan when someone goes for a boat ride

12. Kwáh í:ken tsi iohné:kano tánon ónhkak enwá:ton eniakoié:na The water is very cold and someone can get hypothermia

13. Ratiksa'okòn:'a wahatiweientéhta'ne oh nahò:ten enhsena'tónnion ne kéntsion iontstha'shòn:'a The children learned about fishing equipment

14. Ionhriohkawine'tahkhwa'shòn:'a Fishing rods

15. Ionhriohkawine'táhkhwa kahseriie'tatá:ses Fishing reel

16. Ionhriohkawine'táhkhwa ahseriiè:ta Fishing lines

17. ionhriohkawine'táhkhwa kaniión:ta Fishing lure

18. Wahatiweientéhta'ne ahonhrióhkawine They learned about how to fish

19. Tahonwatí:ion ne ratiksa'okòn:'a ionriohkawine'táhkhwa ion'tstha'shòn:'a They gave the children fishing equipment

20. Ionriohkawine'táhkhwa ao'neróhkwa ion'tstha'shòn:'a iaketa'áhstha A tackle box

21. Ionriohkawine'táhkhwa kà:nhien A fishing rod

22. Wakia'ta'keráhkhwa akià:tawi A life jacket

23. Iehnekihra'táhkhwa katshè:ta A water bottle

24. Ken'na'tekanentshéhsa akia:tawi A t-shirt

25. Ratiksa'okòn:'a wahotiiéshon The children smiled

26. Oié:ri niiohserá:ke shihonahtenkià:ti kí:ken ronwatirihonnién:ni ne ratksa'okòn:'a ahonhrióhkawine The program has operated for 10 years

27. wisk tenwen'niáwe nihá:ti ne ratiksa'okòn:'a ó:nen wahonwatirihónnien. It has served 500 children

28. Ronakiohkowá:nen ne ronhriohkawí:nes wahontahshnié:non ne ahonwatirihónnien ne ratiksa'okòn:'a Many fishermen volunteered

29. Ronakiohkowá:nen ne kenkiohkwakè:ron wa'thonwatíhshnie ki:ken wahonterihwahténkia'te Many organizations sponsored the event

30. Kí:ken wahonterihwaténkia'te wahonwatiia'tarò:roke ne kaianerénhsera thatirihwà:reks tánon ne Ahkwesáhshne ken'nithotiiòn:sa The event brings together law enforcement and Akwesasne youth


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