A Voice from the Eastern Door


The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is looking for energetic individuals who may be interested in becoming a member of the Board of Directors for the Three Feathers Corporation.

The Three Feathers Corporation is being formed as the economic and business development arm of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and to achieve its economic development objectives: improving the community’s infrastructure to attract business growth; stimulating the economy of the community in order to create employment opportunities for Akwesasronon and reduce Council’s reliance on government transfers; and creating a legal structure for “Own Source Revenue” that provides for separation of MCA governmental assets and liabilities from its own business assets and liabilities.

Three economic projects have been identified that will be the initial focus of the corporation. They include constructing a fiber-optic broadband system in the community, creating a community electric cooperative and joint venturing on Renewable Energy Technology projects. A longer-term project is the development of a Renewable Energy Technology themed Industrial Park.

The Board of Directors will be responsible for governing the Three Feathers Corporation, directing policy development, operational initiatives and community involvement as well as raising funds and overseeing finances and strategic plans of the corporation. Applicant qualifications that will be considered include: a team player with strong communication skills, professional work experience, successful business experience and/or ownership, expertise in policy development, corporate fundraising, finances, and strategic planning, personal qualities, and independence.

If you are interested in being appointed as a board member of the Three Feathers Corporation, please send a letter of interest summarizing your qualifications and resume no later than 4:00 pm, March 2, 2017 to:

Fallan Davis

Cornwall Island Administration Building #3

Box 579, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5T3

Phone (613) 575-2250 ext. 1053

Email: fallan.davis@akwesasne.ca


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