A Voice from the Eastern Door


For the new film by François Girard (THE RED VIOLIN, BOYCHOIR) filming in Montreal from September to November, we are looking for a significant number of First Nations as extras.

HOCHELAGA, LAND OF SOULS is a historical epic that tells the story of Montreal and pays tribute to the true founders of our country: the Native peoples. In this film, five Montreal frescoes are revealed by the excavation of an archaeologist and the prayers of a Native American Prophet.

We are looking for:

- Men, women and children of all ages (elderly and infants are welcome);

- People with special skills (handling of traditional weapons, paddling, dancing, traditional music, crafts and rites, etc.);

- Athletic young men willing to be shaved - head and possibly body - to interpret ancestral warriors (with increased fee).

* 1 or more days of shooting to be determined;

* Remunerated work (fee to be confirmed according to requirements);

* No filming experience necessary.

If you are interested, submit your application via the following link:



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