A Voice from the Eastern Door

MCA June General Meeting

Discontent voiced over Cornwall Harbor Co-Ownership

The MCA June monthly meeting was held at the Kawehnoke Recreation Centre on June 30, 2016. The meeting was attended by approximately 40 people. After the Call to Order, Council Agenda Acceptance, Rules of Order and Follow Up were taken care of, community members requested a change in the agenda; they asked for the ‘Business from the Floor’ to be opened at that time.

With this, community members voiced their concerns over the recent signing and co-ownership of the Cornwall Harbor, outweighing the rest of the meeting which resulted in postponing of the presentation of the Community Comprehensive Plan to another date. Council members reiterated their efforts on providing the community with information throughout this long process of which Indian Time archives show articles on the Port Divestiture as early as 2010. Council stated they have, “continuously made our best efforts to inform the community of the progress being made on the divesture file”. As well, they are looking forward to “exploring alternative methods and options that can be used to get information out to the public and provide community members to become better informed on issues”.

The remainder of the meeting included an update on the Akwesasne Tobacco Law, a discussion centered on a letter received form the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO).

MCA’s July District meetings are on July 18 in Kawehno:ke at the Kawehno:ke Recreation Center, Kana:takon at the St. Regis Recreation Center and Tsi Snaihne at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Center. All meetings start at 6pm.

The next MCA General meeting is July 28, 2016 at the St. Regis Recreation Center at 6pm.


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