I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all individuals that were involved in my Trivia Night/Dance Fundraiser, which was held on March 4, 2016.
I would like to thank the organizing committee that worked so quickly and diligently in organizing this event. Those individuals include:
Guzzy Lazore, Lorraine Bero, Mae & Wayne Green, Jerry & Trent McDonald, Shannon Sunday, Catherine Cook, Denise Jackson, Chief Joe Lazore, Debbie Ransom-Gauthier, Scott & Erin McDonald, Jimmy & Nic McDonald, Roger & Vicky, Roger & Cathy Mitchell, Lyle & Cindy Lazore, Jeannine & Steve Lazore, Elaine Thompson, Reen Cook, Maureen Benedict & Janet Tatro.
I would like to acknowledge the fundraising efforts of the Tsi Snaihne School staff and students. Mrs. Lynda Brown, my co-workers, students and parents who held a school-wide fundraiser on my behalf. I would like to thank my co-workers for their generous donations of food and gift cards for the trivia night. I appreciate your love and support.
Niawen to the staff from the Akwesasne Mohawk School and Kanatakon School for their donations. I would like to thank the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education for their understanding and compassion in allowing me to work on a part-time basis.
I would also like to thank my Mitchell and McDonald family for working so hard at this event. Your donations of food, raffle items, and participation in this event is much appreciated.
I would like to thank the communities of Akwesasne and surrounding areas for your support. Whether it was purchasing raffle tickets, attending the trivia night & dance, purchasing Mohawk Auction tickets or donating well over 100 baskets, I appreciate everything that was done on my behalf.
The night of March 4, 2016 was very special and it is one night that I will cherish forever, I am truly blessed to live in such a kind and caring community.
Regrettably I am unable to list the names of all the individuals that donated items for the Mohawk Auction, please know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me.
Terry McDonald
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