A Voice from the Eastern Door

NNATC Presents New Year New Art

The Native North American Travelling College recently held their opening night for the "New Year – New Art" gallery exhibit on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. The winter exhibit showcases new artists' work from Akwesasne and sister communities. This collection is difficult to describe; both startling and bold and definitely all "new" art work; either way, it is a must see collection of artwork. The gallery is filled with fresh, new and unseen work from these artists.

From David Fadden's "I'm ready to sell my car to buy one of his paintings" to new artists such as Kaylynn Adams, Jade Thompson and Jerry Gibson. There are also visiting artists from Onondaga (Brandon Lazore), Kitigan Zibi (John Tenasco) and Lac La Biche, Jamie Kobel "Korner". To round out this gallery of fine art pieces include work from; Sue Herne, Natasha Smoke-Santiago, Joe Barnes, Kit Thomas, Krystal Henry, and Phyl Tahy. The fine work of Victoria Ransom is also on display. Ransom can also take credit for the curating of this art show.


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