A Voice from the Eastern Door

Chief Bellegarde Visits MNCC Midwinter

The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, Clamothers and Faithkeepers held Midwinter Ceremonies this past week. Spirits were lifted each day as they took part in the ceremonies, especially to hear and see such young Kaniehkeha children speak their own language and to understand the words being spoken. Each day brought new beginning as friends and family were reunited, ceremonies were renewed and visitors sat among us.

Visitors from other Nations often visit during Midwinter Ceremonies, but this time a new visitor stood out from the rest, not by who he is but what he wore; a full headdress of western plains Nations. On Monday, the Roaine stood the noted visitor in the center of the Longhouse for all to greet and welcome, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde. Bellegarde is from the Little Black Bear First Nation, a western plains Cree. He also served as Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and Saskatchewan Regional Chief for the Assembly of First Nations. He has also served as the Tribal Chair of the Touchwood-File Hills-Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, Councilor for the Little Black Bear First Nation and Chief of Little Black Bear First Nation.

Chief Bellegarde addressed the people of the Longhouse, he first spoke in his native language and then translated in the common language of English. He gave thanks for such a warm welcome and stated he was honored to present at Midwinter. He also said it give him hope to see so many people present and to hear them speak in their own language. Chief Bellegarde presented Council with a Pendleton blanket and four strands of sweetgrass as a gift.


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