A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tina's Pride - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk 2015

Cancer affects everyone in Akwesasne. Everyone. Of all the people you know in Akwesasne: a close family member, your husband or your wife, your sister or your brother, your father or mother. A dear friend or a casual acquaintance – you know someone who has cancer in Akwesasne. Tina's Pride travelled to Syracuse to take part in the national "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk" to make a difference for those affected with cancer.

Tina's Pride had over 100 participants and joined over 269 other cancer awareness and cancer support teams, totally over 1890 people, walking to raise approximately $151,527.47 on Sunday, October 18, 2015.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks are the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation. Funds donated to the Making Strides Against Cancer are used to help those who are currently dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis, those who may face a diagnosis in the future, and those who may avoid a diagnosis altogether thanks to education and prevention. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events are an opportunity to unite as a community to honor and celebrate breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about the disease, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society save lives from breast cancer by funding groundbreaking breast cancer research, providing free comprehensive information and support, and helping people take steps to reduce their risk of the disease or find it early when it's most treatable.

The children of the late Tina Thompson started this walk as a memorial to her. Now this walk has become an annual event to raise money and awareness to breast and other forms of cancer. Tina Thompson passed away nine years ago. Tina's Pride first joined the walk in 2007 and in 2015; this makes their ninth year of walking. Tina's families organize and fundraise for Tina's Pride from the month of May to October to the ACS Making Strides Against Cancer Walk in October that is held each year in Syracuse and around the country. Tina's family wanted to make a difference in the life of women with breast cancer and they wanted to let women know there are people out there who care enough to make a difference. They wanted to do "something good". The most important component is Tina's Pride participants are asked to take pledges, which are given directly to "Making Strides Against Cancer" on the day of the walk. This year Tina's Pride donated $1,774 dollars in pledges.

The family stated all of this would not be possible without the support of the Akwesasne Convenience Store Association and CKON, and to each and every person who took part in the dance, the softball tournament and raffles.

This year their fundraising efforts raised; Softball Tournament; $2272.00 with the Team Dirty Birds taking first ($1000), Big Boys second ($500) and Saint Boys third ($250), the Duck Race raised $550 with Mark Martin winning $1000, Doc Orlando winning $500 and Dusty Rourke winning $250. The Ice Bucket Challenge raised $361.00, the 50/50 Raffle raised $772.00 and the Tina's Pride dance held at the American Legion raised $2103. As well, the TV Raffle raised $2870, with Braylin Jacobs winning first place, Minnows Sunday second (Great Escape certificate) and Theresa Mitchell (smart watch) winning third place. Through their fundraising efforts this year, Tina's Pride donated to seven community members in their help to fight cancer.

A portion of the funds raised are used to buy sweatshirts with the Tina's Pride logo for walkers that is worn on the day of the walk, and participants who help fundraise throughout the year are awarded with a free hotel room for the Making Strides Against Cancer Walk.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (MSABC) is the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation, uniting more than 300 communities to finish the fight. Every breast cancer walk and event is an incredible and inspiring opportunity to honor those who have battled breast cancer, raise awareness about what we can do to reduce our breast cancer risk, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with research, information, services, and access to mammograms for women who need them. This year approximately 232,670 women will be newly diagnosed with breast cancer. The American Cancer Society assists with transportation, lodging assistance, emotional support and information and answers, they are there around the clock to help.

If you are interested in joining the fight against cancer, you can contact Courtney King or Samantha Thompson on their "Tina's Pride Breast Cancer Group" Facebook page.


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