A Voice from the Eastern Door

How to Become Super-positive!

Submitted by Wholistic Health & Wellness


If your get-up and go has got-up and

gone, then it’s time to start stirring up

those positive vibes...

It’s a well-known fact that positive-

minded people are more likely to

achieve their life’s goals. When you’re

upbeat, everything looks different:

your day is brighter and full of potential.

What’s more, opportunities more

readily come your way and you’re able

to face challenges with a sense of ease.

In fact, being in an optimistic frame of

mind can help you gain success and

greater levels of happiness.

However, not everyone finds it easy to

be super-positive. It requires a change

in perspective and focused intentions to

break away from redundant beliefs and

negativity but once you start changing

your outlook, you’ll feel motivated, energized

and empowered.

To become super-positive so that you

can achieve your goals and enjoy a fulfilling

life, try the following:

1. When you get up in the morning,

don’t allow any negative thoughts to

surface - no matter what your situation

or circumstances. Stretch, breathe-in

and believe that you can make good

things happen. Affirm to yourself: “I

am happy and positive and I’m going to

have a wonderful day”. Believe it!

2. Have your own mantra to help you

achieve your goals - it can be anything

relevant to your needs and ambitions,

such as: - I can do it! or “I will succeed!”

If you’re feeling slightly out of

kilter, repeat your mantra, either silently

or out loud to yourself. Believe in the

words. Trust in your mantra. You really

can achieve your goals.

3. Smile even if you’re down and

laugh at yourself and the world. Life is

wonderful and multi-faceted. Whatever

the problem, a little bit of humor will

make everything seem easier to cope

with. Besides, a little bit of laughter on

a daily basis is good for your health and

well being. When you laugh, your internal

organs gain a workout and laughter

drives fresh oxygen around your body.

So, take some time out to see the funny

side of your world. Often, it’s never as

bad as you think. Seek out the positive

in every situation.

4. Reflect on all your achievements

so far. You’ve come further than you

think! Make a list of what you have

gained in your life. Don’t just notch up

the career or money successes. Think

about the experiences that you have

accumulated and the personal qualities

that you have acquired. By focusing on

these achievements, it will boost your


5. Remind yourself about what you’re

trying to achieve. Are your goals still

relevant? Sometimes, we have to reassess

our direction because things change

in our lives ... we change too. What you

once wanted and would give anything

for might not be what you really want

now. When you’re on the wrong path,

you’ll have a vague sense of being out

of kilter with everything. Trust in your

inner wisdom and intuition.

Note how your current circumstances

make you feel. Be prepared to change

your life or jump out of your current

comfort zones. Once you’re on the right

path, you’ll start feeling more positive.

6. Walk out on a regular basis and get

some fresh oxygen circulating through

your blood. Take a stroll through the

park. Climb a mountain! Awake those

feel-good vibes. Regular exercise will

enhance your mood and make you feel


7. Make sure your glass is always halffull

rather than half-empty. To be superpositive,

you must think on the positive

side of everything. Eliminate any negative

dialogue. Listen to your internal

voice as well as your external one. If

you catch yourself saying or thinking

something that is negative, stop, rewind

and replace those words with a positive

statement. It takes practice, time and

determination, but after a while, you’ll

start eliminating those pesky negative


8. Create abundance in your life ... believe

in your ability to make things happen.

Your positive state of mind will act

like a magnet by attracting positive experiences.

Focus on what you want, be

optimistic and be more abundant. You

really can have the life you most desire!

9. Devote a bit of your time and energy

to a good cause. If you’re able, always

give something back! The world

needs super-positive people like you to

make it even better than what it is. You

can inject some of your positive energy

into charitable ventures or simply by

showing your kindness on a daily basis.

10. Don’t stress about the things you

cannot change. Work on the things you


By being positive about life and focusing

on the things that you can transform,

you’ll discover a world full of

opportunities and potential waiting for

you to explore.

Whether good or bad, you have choices

in how you react to whatever comes

your way.

Why be miserable when you can

smile? Why dwell on sadness when you

can choose happiness? Life will always

have its ups and downs but if you focus

on the positive and become super-positive,

you will experience greater happiness

and contentment.

So, don’t just sit around, make a decision

to become that super-positive person

that you have always wanted to be

and make sure you live an astounding



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