A Voice from the Eastern Door


The baby has been entertaining his big brothers with how mobile he has gotten. He hasn’t actually crawled yet, but he sure can get around simply by rolling to his destination. So far we have counted five rolls in one direction. His big brothers crack up because they can’t believe how he manages to make it to them. Then he’ll start kicking them. Which prompts them to get up and move out of his way. Well you know he makes it to them again and will start the footed attack. We had to give the boys the extra chore of making sure that nothing is on the floor that the baby can put in his mouth or anything that could hurt him if he rolled onto it. In a home of hot wheel cars, legos, airplanes and GI Joes, I realized they can help. I mean it’s one thing that I get hurt stepping on those toys. At first, I got some attitude and the Oldest Brother asked, “How come you don’t keep him on the couch then,” and the little brother said, “ Well why would you throw him on the floor anyway!” When I said because he could roll off the couch, their attitude went away quick. I had to tell them stories of how when they were the Baby’s age I had to let them roll around and play on the floor too. When the whys were asked, I had to explain because babies that age really like to. It helps them develop, and their brother just wants to explore like they did as babies. I even had to pull out the “you did it, he can, its only fair” card.

It took a few reminders but now the older boys have really taken on the responsibility of keeping the living room floor cleared very seriously, and I am proud of them. In addition to the baby’s new found skills of rolling he can jump in the jumperoo like a maniac. Sometimes even falling asleep jumping. When I go to take him out he’ll start jumping all over again as if to show me, “Oh I just rested my eyes! See I’m up!” He really loves to jump. The jumperoo turns too so he can jump and twist, keeping his view of his surrounding fresh. He had started to not nap as well the last few weeks but all that changed with the addition of the jumping in his daily routine. He really works himself right to an exhausted state and then naps a good two hours after that. He is such a happy baby when he wakes up. As long as he sees someone when he opens his eyes he will smile and get right back to his rolling.


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