A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions October 10th -16th 2014

•Friday, October 10th 2014 12:10

Offered for Elizabeth Gray 11th Memorial Birthday

Requested by the family

•Saturday, October 11th 4:00pm

Offered for Joseph Rourke

Requested by the family

• Sunday, October 12th 10:00am

Offered for John T. Cook

Marion, Rachel, Sara and Jennifer

•Tuesday, October 14th 6:00pm

Offered for For all the Souls in Purgatory

Requested by parishioner

•Wednesday October 15th at Iakhihsohtha 10:00am

Priest’s intention

•Thursday, October 16th 12:10

Offered for Viola Rourke

Requested by the Balcom family

& Offered for Monica Jacques Cook 1st Memorial birthday

Requested by family


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