A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions June 20th – June 26th

•Friday, June 20th - 12:10pm

Offered for: Theodore Porter

Requested by the family

•Saturday, June 21 - 11:45am at Tsiionkwanonhso:te

Holy Mass and Sacrament for the Sick w/Bishop Simard (Valleyfield Diocese) Community members are welcome to attend

•Saturday, June 21st - 4:00pm

Confirmation Mass

Offered for: Elizabeth M. Lazore

Requested by the family

•Sunday, June 22nd - 10:00am

Offered for: Marie George White 2nd Memorial Birthday

Requested by the family

•Tuesday, June 24th - 6:00pm

Offered for: Lucy Ward and Andrew Bero

Requested by the family

•Wednesday, June 25th - 12:10pm

Offered for: Beatrice E. Deer Jacobs 1st Memorial Birthday

Requested by the children

•Thursday, June 26th - 12:10pm

Offered for: Ted Mitchell

Requested by the family


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