A Voice from the Eastern Door

Any Day

As my due date approaches the more clingy the boys have gotten. They are with me when they get back from school and I’m home with them until they go to bed, unless they get a surprise pick up from their tota girl or grandma. It doesn’t matter how much I’m home for them, they will follow me in and out of the house as if I’m taking off on a month long vacation when I am just going to check the mailbox at the road or taking out the garbage. At first I thought they were being helpful but they were really just following me around. This weekend I was in the middle of sorting out all the winter clothes and too small stuff and was hoping they’d go run errands with their dad instead of staying in the house with me. I even threatened them with loads of housework if they stayed home. They both agreed and to their surprise they did clean. They cleaned their rooms, the toys, lined up all the shoes, took out garbage and helped with laundry. After an hour Little Brother really regretted his decision and began to look out the window for his dad. My husband stopped at the house before heading back out to start a garden. Little Brother was gone so fast because he was sick of cleaning. He didn’t even say goodbye to me! I’m sure he thought I’d run out of chores for him.

At bedtime I’ve been tired earlier so I haven’t been staying up as late as I usually do and the boys have been ending up in my room as soon as I crash out. If I fall asleep on the couch I can bet money on little brother being squeezed on the couch with me and big brother across from me on the other end of the couch. What wakes me up is how hot I get because of their body heat. So since they are with me every time I go to the store or running errands they get to hear what people ask me or say about the ever growing belly of baby. Big Brother finds some of it too hilarious not to repeat. We’ve gotten the usual, “Wow you’re so big! Must be twins.” to which little brother will reply, “No just one! I saw it!” He’s the know it all of the family because he went to the ultrasound with me and isn’t one to keep quiet. Big brother’s favorite is “any day now?” because I have to tell people I still have until August. He said their faces are funny and look afraid. The more I get asked ‘any day now’ the harder it is to be patient. By the kids reading my facial expressions they will say to me randomly during a quiet ride or calm minute at home “Any day!” all sarcastic to me and run away. I just have to laugh because as much as they are stuck to mom and I feel like they are hovering behind me or next to me at all times they can make me laugh any day.


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