A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass intentions

•Friday, Oct. 18 – 7:30 am

For Larry Richard King 25th anniversary

Requested by Nanci

•Saturday, Oct. 19 – 4:00 pm

For Benjamin F. Jacobs Memorial Mass

Requested by Veronica Adams

•Sunday, Oct. 20 – 10:00 am

All living and deceased members of the Akwesasne Kateri Prayer Circle and St. Regis Kateri Circle

• Tuesday, Oct. 22 – 7:00 pm

For Lawrence and Christie Francis and all deceased members of the family

Requested by Beatrice Lazore

•Wednesday, Oct. 23 –7:30 am

Parish Memorial Mass intention for Louis Lazore

•Thursday, Oct. 24– 7:30 am

Parish Memorial Mass Intention for Philomena Bertha Mae Thompson


All candidates, along with their parents for Confirmation are required to attend mass on Sundays at 10 am. Classes will be held at the Kateri Hall beginning this Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013 at 11:30 am. It is also mandatory for all candidates and their parents to attend this session at Kateri Hall for orientation with Father Jerome Pastores and Irving Papineau. Attendance is mandatory. Thank you.

Adults who also are intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are also required to attend this Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013.

Anyone wishing to help serve the church we could use more teams to clean the church please contact us at the rectory 613-575-2753.


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