A Voice from the Eastern Door

What is the Flu?

Influenza (flu) virus is a very contagious virus that attacks the lungs first, but may spread to other parts of the body. It is spread by contact with secretions from the nose and throat of an infected person.

Flu Prevention:

Get annual flu vaccine

Wash hands frequently

Cover up your cough or sneeze

Keep shared surfaces clean (doorknobs, telephone, keyboards etc.)

If you are sick, stay home!

Flu Vaccination Schedule

October 17, 18, 19, 2012 in Kanatakon at Community Health from 8:30am to 3:30pm

October 23, 2012 in Tsi Snaihne at Iohahiio 2pm to 7pm

October 24, 2012 in Kawehno:ke at the Peacetree Mall Unit#2 (old Knead your Dough) from 4pm to 7pm

October 26, 2012 in Kanatakon at Community Health from 8:30am to 3:30pm

October 30, 2012 in Kanatakon at Community Health from 4pm to 7pm


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