A Voice from the Eastern Door

When Addiction Runs In the Family

By Tiffany Leabo

Parents can take many steps to protect their kids from illness and disease. You teach them to wash their hands, cover their mouths when coughing and ensure they’re up to date on vaccinations and doctor’s visits to keep them healthy. When it comes to the disease of addiction, the most important preventative step a parent can take is to become aware of your child’s risk.

Did you know that scientists have found that genetic factors contribute to addiction – that alcoholism and addiction can run in families? There’s no surefire way to predict who will be affected, but genetics are one important factor for parents to consider when planning drug and alcohol talks with their kids. Having a parent or grandparent, aunt or uncle, or even a cousin with an addiction problem is a simple indication that your child may be at greater risk.

Remember, there’s no single factor that leads to addiction. Every child is different, and some teens with several risk factors never develop a problem, while others with no family history struggle with alcohol or drugs.

That’s why it’s so important to stay connected with your child, proactively discuss the risks of alcohol and drugs – especially if your family is at elevated risk – and be available if your kids have questions or concerns.

The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Prevention Program and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Helping Build a Better Tomorrow


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