A Voice from the Eastern Door

Natasha Thompson-Barnes

Like many Akwesasronon before her, Natasha Thompson-Barnes expresses herself through art. She has been drawing and beading since she was young. She picked up sewing along the years and has only recently started to paint. Photography is also new to her but she enjoys it just as much.

Ever since she was young, Natasha would search and search for pencils so she could draw and color pictures for her grandmother. At just 10 years old, after watching her mother and grandmother bead and sew, she fell in love with beading and it remains her favorite form of art to this day. She considers beadwork to be her favorite form of art because “with beadwork, you can decorate your clothing or traditional outfits and be a walking piece of art.” Her beadwork was on display at the Akwesasne Museum and can be seen at various powwows as many dancers showcase both her beadwork and the different outfits she has made.

It wasn’t until a few years ago that Natasha picked up a paintbrush and put it to canvas. She is a recent graduate of the Fine and Visual Arts program from Iohahiio. She pulls inspiration from everyday activities and is open to learning new techniques from different artists. The use of vibrant colors in her paintings is comparable to that of her favorite painters Daphne Odjig and Vincent van Gogh. Her paintings have been exhibited at juried art shows in both Cornwall and Massena.

When Natasha isn’t creating beautiful artwork, she hits up the powwow trail as a dancer and also competes in smoke dance competitions. Not only does she teach her daughters the same skills that she has obtained throughout her life, she instills in them the significance of expressing who they are.

Natasha is currently finishing up some beading orders as powwow season gets closer and closer. Because of this, she hasn’t had much time to paint in recent months but will soon find the time once the season gets started. Natasha can be reached through email at

[email protected]


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