A Voice from the Eastern Door

Consumer Corner

It’s September 7, 2011, children are back in school, and cooler weather will be upon us soon so what does this all mean – up goes the electricity bills.

Here are some tips to help you reduce your electrical bills:

• Motion Activated Lights: Everyone had heard the cry “you left the light(s) on”. This will be no more if you install a motion activated sensor to automatically turn off lights after a set period of time. Ask at Home Depot, Wal-mart, Lowes or Home Hardware.

This can be a whopping $400.00 savings per year.

• Smart power strips: Your plug-in devices use electricity even when they are shut off. Try a smart power strip. Use for your television and when you turn on the TV, the DVD player also comes on. It will save you money when the main electronic device is turned off.

Savings of $200.00 per year.

TIP: unplug your small kitchen appliances or other devices used once a day. This will save you money. The small appliances and devices may be turned off but they are still using electricity.

• Programmable Air Vents: Air vents ready to be replaced? Well, replace them with programmable timers to shut air flow to unoccupied rooms, during times that you specify.

Savings per year-$600.00

• Solar Lamps: At bedtime do you read to relax? Here’s a money saver for you. Change your electric reading lamps to solar powered ones. Just place the bulb by a window and when you are ready to use it, place in the lamps base and turn it on. Try IKEA Sunman Table Lamp. Nearest IKEA-Ottawa-west end.

Savings per year: $100.00

OTHER TIPS: You do need to weatherize your house for winter. You may need to caulk around windows and doors. Perhaps you may need to cover windows with plastic.

You can use a long stuffed tube in front of doors to stop air from coming in.

Purchase the foam to cover electrical outlets.

There are many small things for you to do.

Call Cornwall Electric for someone to come to your house to tell you what to look for. Massena Electric will also do the same thing for those living in the Massena Electric area.

Also call your housing programs as they may be able to help you.

Good luck and keep warm.


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