A Voice from the Eastern Door

Nia wen

Nia wen

Hilary Jacobs and her family wish to thank all those who purchased square to help with expenses during her stay in ICU in Burlington, Vermont. A thank you to those who sent get well wishes, cards and came to help support us in during Hilary’s stay in Burlington. Hilary continues to recover from her 17 day stay in ICU. She definitely is getting stronger and hopes to be out and about soon. As her facebook friends noticed she is now well enough to go on facebook and chat with you. All the prayers everyone said for Hilary worked, and they came from all over the country. Nia wen to St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, Environment, Gus Pyke, Sesi and Paul King and Family for their monetary support. To Jim Brann and family for his help in assisting us with finding a hotel quickly and when we had to jump to several hotels over the 17 days. Especially our family and friends for emotional and financial support. Nia wen


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