A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the editor:

Long before this was named United States, long before this was New York State, and long before some lost explorer named Columbus stumbled upon our shores, the native people of this continent were the “original tobacco traders”. Tobacco trading helped the first Americans back then and it’s helping many nations now.

The government was nearly successful in exterminated the natives back then and now centuries later, whenever some nations are successful in one business or another (IE) cigarettes and casinos, they try to suppress us.

With New York’s budget deficit, big cigarette corporation’s who don’t like competition and stores off the reservation who are hurt by cheaper prices on the reserve, and coincidently are potential voters, our sovereignty means nothing.

The state claims to be losing hundreds of million of dollars yearly by not collection taxes from cigarettes. How can they lose something that doesn’t belong to them in the first place?

The leaders of every nation need to stand together and resist any infringement of our rights and treaties.

Any embargo on tobacco and supply shipments should be considered hostile. State and federal government need to honor and respect our right and treaties.


Dave Chubb


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