A Voice from the Eastern Door

Haudenosaunee Confederacy News

•• The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs held a meeting on Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

Presentation on OxyContin by Leona Swamp. Explained about the drug, prevalence in Akwesasne and request for involvement of Nation Council. Additional comments from Curtis Nelson on the drug and the facility in Kanesahtake.

Joey David made a request about the participating in an activity with the Navajo Nation. Joey gave a report on his visit to Navajo country and their request for Haudenosaunee help. This request will go to Grand Council.

Discussions on the Haudenosaunee I.D. card price. Lengthy discussion with no final amount. Decision was to take back to Grand Council and make a final decision.

Discussion on the fishing/hunting rights. Problems occurring in the Haudenosaunee territory. This will also be taken to Grand council.

The CBSA Custom future. Discussion on possible move to U.S. Customs area. Discussion on external rights committee and how it has not been set up yet. It is needed in order t help with the Border crossing problem.

Ernest David, Charlie Patton and Curtis Nelson will eave for the Onondaga nation on Wednesday to present a wampum requesting a Grand Council meeting. The issues: I.D. Cards, hunting and fishing rights and the setting up of the external affairs committee.

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne request for approval of a sign to be placed on Kawehnoke as you come off the bridge. There were some questions on the wording of the signs. Sent back to the MCA for clarification.

Upcoming meetings for the Haudenosaunee Confederacy:

July 1: Haudenosaunee Peace and Trade

July 6: confederacy representatives and legal counsel with Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

July 9: Haudenosaunee Documentation Committee in Tonawanda

July 19: Hydrofracking meeting in Binghamton, New York

•• The Iroquois Nationals men’s field team leaves on July 11 for Manchester, England for the 2010 Men’s World Games. Every nation’s roster is comprised of 23 including the goalie(s). A team has attack, middie and defense players plus the goalie.

The steps to selecting the 2010 Iroquois National 2010 Men’s team were:

-posting for general manager

-general manager posting for head coach

-scheduling of tryouts in Six Nation, Western New, Central New York and Akwesasne

-over 80 players came out for the tryout

-coaches and general manager select top 50

-coaches and general manager reduce players to 36

-coaches and general manager reduce to 26 players (in late spring)

-players were asked to get letters from nation councils certifying eligibility to play for the Iroquois Nations. These are Haudenosaunee Confederacy nations.

-some players not eligible for Iroquois Nationals team. Coaches went back to their notebooks.

-final player roster in late May/early June, 2010. Very late to be naming the team.

A training camp is scheduled for July 1, 2, & 3 in Six Nations.

The Iroquois Nationals executive director, Percy Abrams and Oren Lyons, Board Chairman, will be attending the Federation of International lacrosse Board meetings. At these meetings rule changes, new entrants (nation) will be accepted and the Constitutional by-laws will be reviewed and discussed if on the agenda.

Every country pays dues to the F.I.L. and these funds are used for operational expenses. The F.I.L. does have elective positions. Elections do take place every 4 years. There are at least 22 general meetings per year, a mid year meeting is hosted by one of the member nations. The annual meeting for 2010 will be held in Manchester. Also an agenda item will be the selecting of a host or at least asking for requests to host the next men’s World Games.

The World Games always have a Men’s World Team as selected by the World Games Selection Committee. Each country will appoint their representative to sit on the Selection Committee. These men meet to discuss the players ?? put forth their arguments for their players. These are players form the Blue division: Japan, Iroquois Nationals, USA, Canada, England and Australia. Win a metal and you can rest assured – your player or players will make the World Team (All Star team).

The rules of the Lacrosse game are under the International field lacrosse rules. Each nation can bring two referees with them to referee in the World Game series. Of course you cannot referee a game if your nation is playing.

The Iroquois Nationals do not have a large number of referees to select from. In the 2010 World Games, Mark Martin, Mohawk fro Akwesasne, will be representing the Iroquois Nationals. This will be Mark’s second World Games as a referee.

The games start on July 15th with the Nationals playing the host country – England. The Nationals will play each country of the blue division for standings. Next comes cross over games with the Red Division and then the finals for medals. The games end on July 24th and the team returns home on July 25th. Good luck Iroquois Nationals.

Oneh – have a great week!


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