A Voice from the Eastern Door

Wampum Belts

The Five Nations became as brothers again. They worked together as one people. If anyone of these nations were attacked, the injury was felt by all of the Five Nations.

The Rotiianeson, or Nice People, whom some today call “chiefs,” contributed white wampum toward a Great White Circle of Wampum. This wampum circle is the symbolic Fire of the Great Council which burns at Onondaga. It certifies the pledge words of the Rotiianeson that they will keep the unity of the Confederacy, that they are united, and form one body or League of Great Peace, which they have established. The fifty strings of wampum facing the center represent the Rotiianeson, fifty in number, the Government of the Five Nations. Each string stands for one of our leaders, and they are placed in the order in which they sit at council.

The sacred wampum belt below symbolizes the union of the Five Nations. It was made to remember the Great Peace. It means: the Five Nations are joined together by the Path of Peace. In the center is a white heart, symbolizing the Onondaga nation. It also means that the heart of the Five Nations is single in its loyalty to the Great Peace, and that the Great Peace is lodged in the heart, with the Onondaga people. The Peace Path extends beyond at both ends, meaning that others may follow this path and become part of the Great Peace, Kaianerekowa.

Hiawatha (Ayonwatha) Belt

The Hiawatha (Ayonwatha) Belt is a broad dark belt of wampum of thirty-eight rows, having a white heart or Great Tree in the center, on either side of which are two white squares, all connected to the heart by white rows of wampum; and it shall be the emblem of the unity of the Five Nations. The first of the squares on the right represents the Mohawk nation and its territory. The second square on the right and the one near the heart represents the Oneida Nation and its territory. The white heart or tree in the middle represents the Onondaga nation and its territory, and it also means that the heart of the Five Nations is single in its loyalty to The Great Peace – that the Great Peace is lodged in the heart – (meaning with Onondaga confederate Chiefs), and that the Council Fire is to burn there at Onondaga for the Five Nations. Further, it means that the authority is given to advance the cause of peace whereby hostile nations out of the Confederacy shall cease warfare. The white square to the left of the heart represents the Cayuga nation and its territory, and the fourth and last square represents the Seneca Nation and its territory. The two lines extending out from each side of the squares of the belt, from the Mohawk and Seneca Nations, represents the path of peace by which other nations are welcomed to travel, to come and take shelter beneath the Great Tree of Peace or join the Iroquois Confederacy. White here shall symbolize that no evil or jealous thoughts shall creep into the minds of the

leaders, the Chiefs, while in council under the Great peace. White, in this case, is the emblem of pace, love, charity and equity, and it surrounds and guards the five nations.


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