A Voice from the Eastern Door

Junior A Indians stress importance of education to AMS students


Although the 2010 season hasn’t yet begun, the Junior A Indians lacrosse team is already hard at work in preparation to play, while still managing to reach out to the community in their spare time.   On April 9th, six players from the Indians were elated to visit the Akwesasne Mohawk School (AMS) during their monthly reading assembly.  The classes are competing against each other to read the most books in the school so their names are put on a replica Stanley Cup Trophy.  The Indians can relate to these young students as they are preparing to play for their own trophy: the prestigious Minto Cup in the National Championship.  

All of the students and faculty were welcoming and receptive to the young players, which made their visit enjoyable. The Indians visited the classrooms individually to stress the importance of both education and extracurricular activities, sign autographs and to answer students’ questions. They also ate lunch with the fourth and fifth grade classes, which sparked excitement amongst both the students and the players.  

The Junior A Indians are always looking to give back to the community, which is so supportive of them during the season; this was just a small gesture to show their appreciation!  The Indians would also like to thank the community and the ladies auxiliary for being so supportive of them for the chicken barbeque. Your assistance leads to the success of the Indians. Thank you!


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