A Voice from the Eastern Door

How Enabling Promotes Drug and Substance Abuse

Show Them Tough Love

When you find out that one of your family members is addicted to drugs, you would definitely make an effort to help him or at least get him into a treatment center. Normally, the efforts you would do, especially if they are done with sincerity, will contribute to his improvement and recovery from substance abuse. But did you know that there is a certain behavior you may possess which can deter him from getting better? You may not be aware that you are already doing this set of actions, so it is important for you to learn about the behavior known as enabling.

In general, enabling consists of actions and manners by which the family of a drug addict is allowing him to avoid the harmful and negative effects of his substance abuse. Enabling encourages the drug addiction of a person through the following ways:

Covering up: How many times has the university or the office of your family

member who has the problem called up your home asking why he has been

absent? During these situations, do you tend to cover up for him and tell his

school or workplace that he is sick when he is just high and cannot work? If you

do, try to stop this negative act and tell the person to realize his duties and

responsibilities. You may, however, want to choose the right time to tell him so.

Saving the person from financial troubles: This is very similar to the first item. If

the person sees that you are paying for his debts and obligations that are caused

by his addiction, he will feel unworried and thus will continue his destructive

ways. This may be quite difficult, but let him deal with his money-related issues

by himself.

Keeping quiet: When a concerned organization is already contacting you about

your family member, do not remain silent. Instead you should act as a mediator

between the person and the group that wants to help.

Wholistic Health & Weliness Program Tekanikonrahwa:kon


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