A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor:

 She:kon Akwesasneronon! With the troubles arising of the IGA supermarket, in the event it is closed and vacated of the name IGA. I have a suggestion for what should be done for that structure. My first question for all those parents out there, is this; What fun is there for our children to do in the long winter months? Yes, some kids love hockey, and ice skating, and there’s the library as well, but for those children who are not into hockey or skating, what is there? There is no Chuck E Cheese, no maze like Hamster crawls, no indoor bounce houses, no McDonalds playlands within 100 miles. For children to go to a good gymnastics center you have to travel to Cornwall, and with the harrassement alot of us receive what’s the point?  My second question to parents out there is where can you take your kids to an indoor birthday party besides your house? The rink and bowling are two options, but again not all kids are into skating and bowling. Let em jump and run, and have fun, (safely of course).  Make the IGA building a place for kids and parents to have fun indoors.


Edward “Andy” Kader



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