A Voice from the Eastern Door

In memory of Cody Sunday

In memory of Cody Sunday

Feb 25, 1985-Sept 23,2004

It’s hard to believe that,

It has been 5 years.

Thinking of you everyday,

Trying to hold back tears.

Seems like only yesterday,

We use to run and play.

Now, I can’t even talk to you,

All I can do is pray.

I wanted you to know,

You’re an uncle to be.

I know in my heart,

You would’ve been there for me.

I will make sure he knows about you,

In every kind of way,

I will talk to him about you,

Every single day

I promise I will always,

Keep you close to my heart,

Because a brother and sister,

Should never be apart.

Miss you like crazy bro!

Love, Cheyenne


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