A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tribal members want IGA kept open

The First Americans IGA store will likely stay open, although changes to the size and layout are the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s main consideration in plans to decrease the store’s monetary loss.

On Wednesday evening, Sept. 23, the tribe held a special meeting for community members to voice their opinions on the future of the store, which has failed to generate revenue and has cost the tribe $523,000 this year so far alone.

“We can’t afford to do it anymore,” said Tribal Sub-Chief Stacy Adams.

The tribe was paying for the revenue loss from the Tribal General Fund.

“The overhead for the store in just the power alone is quiet substantial,” said Tribal Sub-Chief Ron LaFrance.

The tribe presented a preliminary building plan to those in attendance at Wednesday’s meeting. It would involve the construction of a wall almost down the center of the store, cutting the size drastically to 20-25,000 square feet, from 53,000 square feet.

One by one community members spoke to Council to state their opinion and there was an overwhelming sense of need for a community grocery store. Many people said the elders need it the most.

Still, Wednesday’s meeting was the first chance in what is likely to be many opportunities for Council to hear from the community on what should be done at the store. The decision to downsize is still a consideration, and what will be done with the remaining unused half is another big decision. One option is to use it for casino storage. Community members suggested everything from a movie theatre to a whole foods shop.

Since powering the building is so expensive, leasing out store space would be difficult, said Sub-Chief Adams, because the rent would need to be very high to cover the tribe’s overhead on the building.

A vote was taken at the conclusion of the meeting and there were 28 votes in favor of keeping the IGA open as a grocery store. There were no votes in opposition.

Community members with further suggestions or concerns can contact Sub-Chief Adams at the tribe.


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