A Voice from the Eastern Door

Piece of Cake

The second Sunday after welcoming the new baby I started to feel a little cooped up. I am still recovering from surgery but by my eighth and ninth day I felt so much better. I was walking around the house better and even bending over to pick up Baby T’s cars. I figured why not try an out to Wal-Mart? What was the worst that would happen? I’d have to either leave if I was too sore or drive a motorized cart.

I forgot how long it could take to leave your house with a brand new baby in tow. You change them and their clothes. You just about get them in a car seat and you have to start all over again because they need a diaper change. Getting the baby ready wasn’t as time consuming as Baby T was. First he wanted to go and I took a shower and got ready. Then Baby T changed his mind to the idea that just the new baby and I would go. That wasn’t an option because one technically I shouldn’t be driving yet and two I am not allowed to pick up anything heavier than the baby so there would be no way for me to carry him and his car seat in.

Finally after beginning to leave at 9am we finally pulled out of our driveway at noon. Good thing we packed snacks for Baby T because immediately he began to whine that his stomach was starving. As if he would starve to death waiting a whole twenty minutes to eat lunch. It takes me longer than that to cook for him. Oh and then Baby T wanted a blanket like the baby had over his car seat. For some reason I have been expecting that type of behavior from Baby T. He has just been so great about the new baby. I had brought an extra big receiving blanket for Baby T to use in case he said he was cold or wanted the one on his brother.

We went to eat before heading to the store. We were lazy and hit the drive thru so we could eat in the truck. When we got to Wal-Mart, the boys’ dad brought both the kids in for me and we waited for him to park and meet us. We put the baby in one cart and Baby T in another. I had the new baby and Daddy had Baby T. He took Baby T to look at toys while I slowly walked around the store testing how it felt to walk around so much. Grateful to be hanging on the cart and not being in a rush helped. I got what we needed off our list and met back up with Baby T and Daddy. I don’t think we were there for more than a half-hour before checking out.

For the departure, Baby T went with his dad to unload the cart and pull the truck up to the front door. I didn’t have to walk through the parking lot and the baby didn’t have to be out for more than a few seconds. It was a mild day so that made us feel better about taking our new baby out and about. I sat in the back with the kids on the way home just like I did on the way to Malone. Baby T fell asleep with his head and arm on the baby’s car seat. It was so sweet and made me regret not having my camera.

Our new baby fell asleep when we pulled out of our driveway and woke up two hours later when we pulled back into it. I really did forget that new babies just like to sleep and eat. He eats and then sleeps two maybe three hours. I am so used to Baby T’s busyness that an infant is a breeze. They don’t talk back, run away, or try to tell you that they suddenly don’t like what’s for lunch. Not only that but sleeping through a whole outing? Wow. I am anxious for spring when the weather will permit us to have more outings with the baby and I can sneak in a shopping trip while Baby T is at school. I still cannot get over how smoothly everything about leaving the house with now two kids was.

I don’t want to say it because I will probably jinx myself. However, even though I am adjusting getting up every few hours with our new baby it really hasn’t been too bad. I mean I was used to getting up every hour every night to go pee. Being pregnant and having a baby kick you in the bladder when you are trying sleep was in some way a very useful preparation period. Honestly I will gladly take waking up every two or three hours instead of every one. I know my ease with now being the mother of two has been in largely due to the fact that I have had lots of help since coming home from the hospital.

For example, Baby T’s Tota came over one day to clean and cook; she even took the baby’s laundry home with her. Another night she came over to visit and helped out with the kids so I could attempt to cook. The kid’s cousins came over to play with Baby T another night and I put the new baby to sleep and fell asleep with him while they occupied Baby T and tidied up his bedroom.

So what I was going to say which will probably blow up in my face was that two kids has been a piece of cake.


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