A Voice from the Eastern Door

April Fools Day at AMS

On Tuesday, April 1st, the students and teachers at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School are in the midst of a clash of the titans to see which NHL team, represented among them, can lay claim to the Stanley Cup in June. The over-whelming response by the students and teachers demonstrated their spirit and enthusiasm for the reading challenge. With a mere two months left to collect individual and class points, the heat is on! This year marks the third annual reading challenge at AMS. Each year has proven to be better than the last.

As announced on CKON Radio early morning Tuesday, April 01, “Lord Stanley and Mr. Daniel Bruyere (Briere) surprised the students and staff at AMS with accompaniment by police escort, Sgt. Roger Mitchell of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services. The Stanley Cup was unveiled to a murmur of  “oohs and awws.”  The names of each student and teacher (head coach) were “engraved” on the rings of the Cup and were excited to see his or her name.  Mr. Bruyere later paraded the ‘Holy Grail’ of hockey to each classroom after the assembly.

The students were encouraged to wear their favorite jersey to school for the special occasion. During the assembly in the gym they proudly held up their class banners depicting their NHL team logo. GO AMS!


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