Opinion / Reader Submission

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 476

Oswegatchie-Mohawks and the Relocation to Kansas

By Doug George-Kanentiio. Akwesasne has a long history of inclusion from the relocation of the Massachusetts born Tarbell brothers in the 1750's to the current population which includes Natives from...


Grow Vertically for Added Beauty and Garden Productivity

by Melinda Myers Expand your planting space, grow a living screen, or add vertical interest to your garden beds. Train vines up a decorative support,...


Ornamental and Edible Gardens and Containers

by Melinda Myers Boost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants to your garden beds and containers. Look for...


Eye Candy, Cough Syrup, and Early Flowers

After so many months of winter whiteness, it’s a relief to watch the snow recede at last. We’re always grateful for the spring melt, even though the loss of snow cover gives way to a mostly brown wor...


Grow Fruit in Containers

by Melinda Myers Have fun and enjoy picking fresh fruit right outside your door thanks to compact varieties you can grow in containers. Just clear...


2024 Winning Flowers for Your Garden and Containers

by Melinda Myers Make some room in your garden or containers for the new All-America Selections 2024 National award-winning plants. These winning vari...


The Necessity of Indian Time

By Doug George-Kanentiio. In the early 1980’s Akwesasne the community was broken into factions, the result of sharp differences of opinion and policy with regards to jurisdiction, economic d...


Spring Garden Cleanup with Pollinators in Mind

by Melinda Myers Spring cleaning, indoors and out, is a long-standing tradition for many households. But as we learn more about the important...


Brighten Every Room in Your Home with Plants

by Melinda Myers Anytime is a great time to add a few houseplants to your home. Adding greenery indoors expands your gardening opportunities and...


Starting Plants from Seeds Indoors

By Melinda Myers. Keep your green thumb in shape this winter while getting a jump on the growing season by starting your favorite or hard-to-find plan...


Unique Gifts for Your Valentine

by Melinda Myers Chocolates and roses are synonymous with Valentine's Day. They are always a welcome gift but maybe this is the year you decide to...


Sharenhowane Declaration

As condoled leadership, there are specific responsibilities we are entrusted with in order to uphold the peace, they are as follows: Work for the unborn by ensuring that good decisions we make today...


Children Have Many of The Same Disorders as Adults

POTSDAM, NY – Feelings of depression, anxiety, or trouble focusing are not concerns faced by adults alone, children may also experience such e...


Get a Jump Start on Managing Plant Pests This Winter

by Melinda Myers Just like us, insects spend their winters in different locations. Unlike us, they spend their winters in different stages of...


Think Snow – Gardens and Forests Need It

By Paul Hetzler In her poem “It Sifts from Leaden Sieves,” Emily Dickinson lauds the sublime beauty of snow – gossamer flakes that garnish a forest, wispy grains that infiltrate nooks and crannies, an...


Good Governance Akwesasne Leadership

Akwesasne is a unique community with many different perspectives and opportunities regarding governance, but one unified constant is that the leadership is beholden to the community. This means there...


The Need to Transform the Nation

By Doug George-Kanentiio. The two community meetings held this past December about the impending land claims settlement revealed not only wide dissatisfaction with the proposal but also the need for...


Add a Rosemary Topiary to This Year's Holiday Season

by Melinda Myers Add a fresh look and fragrance to your holidays with a potted Rosemary plant. This favorite herb of cooks, crafters, and gardeners...


People Gather to Review and Reject Land Settlement Plan

By Doug George-Kanentiio At a public gathering at the Mohawk Nation longhouse on December 3rd the latest version of the land claims settlement was reviewed and commented upon in accordance with the tr...


Outdoor Winter Container Gardens

By Melinda Myers Add a bit of greenery to your front steps, window box or patio with a winter container garden. You'll find all the ingredients you...


Palestine and the Mohawks: Peace May be Found

By Doug George-Kanentiio. I have been to Palestine-Israel twice-once in 1984 as part of a spiritual pilgrimage group and in 2012 accompanying my wife Joanne Shenandoah as she performed in Bethlehem....


Keeping Tropical Plants Healthy

by Melinda Myers Tropical plants are filling our homes and workspaces, adding beauty, relieving stress, and boosting creativity, productivity, and...


Must-Have Gifts for Your Favorite Gardener

by Melinda Myers Every gardener, new or experienced, appreciates tools to help them better enjoy their hobby. Some may be looking for ergonomically de...


Ms. Ste. Marie Misled Us All

By Doug George-Kanentiio. On October 27 CBC’s investigative show “The Fifth Estate” exposed the performer Buffy Ste. Marie as an imposter. Her 60-year career as an indigenous singer was contr...


Gifts with Multiple Functions and Styles

by Melinda Myers The holidays are quickly approaching and finding the perfect gift for those on your list can be challenging. With many people...


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