A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the December 2, 2010 edition

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  • St. Regis Mohawk School Social

    Dec 2, 2010

    As part of Native American Day festivities throughout the area this month, the St. Regis Mohawk School welcomed parents and community members to join students Monday for a traditional social. Students were told the meaning of the social dances and students helped to demonstrate each one. Volunteers helped to sing, drum and dance. The children were taught that in the longhouse, women choose their dancing partner. For the Rabbit Dance, which requires boy-girl pairs, the little girls pulled their...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School Social - More Pictures

    Dec 2, 2010

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Hundreds attend Children’s Christmas Party for charity

    Kyrie Ransom|Dec 2, 2010

    The organizing committee for the Children’s Christmas Party anticipated no more than 100 people attending their event, which was held this past Sunday at the Brass Horse Banquet Hall. With over 300 adults and children attending, this event was a huge success. Free face painting, a magic show and pictures with Santa drew in a crowd that was excited to participate in the events that day. “The community, the businesses, and the groups in Akwesasne all come together to look out for each other and ma...

  • Hundreds attend Children’s Christmas Party for charity - More Pictures

    Dec 2, 2010

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Celebration of Life Conference focuses on trauma and grief

    Kyrie Ransom|Dec 2, 2010

    The Iethinisten:ha Akwesasne Family Wellness Program hosted the 13th Annual Celebration of Life Conference on Nov. 29 & 30 at the St. Regis Recreation Centre. The conference was well attended and participants heard speakers such as the keynote, David Courchene, and Louise McDonald. The topics discussed over the two-day conference focused in part on the concept of generational trauma and ways to overcome this trauma. McDonald explained that a whole generation was gripped with fear, the parents...

  • Wild Rice Stuffing

    Dec 2, 2010

    A delicious, savory addition to your holiday table or to be enjoyed anytime! This recipe makes enough to stuff one turkey and fill one medium casserole dish. 1 cup wild rice 1 cup long grain brown rice 4 cups vegetable or chicken stock 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 3 cups chopped red onion 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 to 2 teaspoons dried sage 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 3 to 4 cups chopped mushrooms 2 to 3 cups chopped celery 1 cup pecans 1/2 to 1 cup dried cranberries 1 apple, diced (I used Honeycrisp) 1 cup chopped fresh parsley Herbamare...

  • Blast from the Past

    Dec 2, 2010

    Niawen to Sue Rourke for bringing in this photo. She said it was from Father Arsenault’s collection. FIVE GENERATIONS Left to right: Agnes Hemlock Garrow, Susan Phillips, and Sandra Phillips Jacobs holding son Cory Jacobs. Seated is Nancy David. And niawen to Judy Cole for identifying everyone in the photo. Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON Stop let...

  • November 18, 2010 bowling news

    Dec 2, 2010

    Reported by Judy High bowler single Larry White 200 Mitch Sunday 193 Charley Jacobs 166 Triple Larry White 476 Charley Jacobs 471 Mitch Sunday 470 Yes there were a few girls there, Rosemary, Rosemarie and Judy. A few senior tips for winter: We must remember that our outside steps may be icy, after a snow or rain. Make sure you check before going out in the wintertime. Elders do not need accidents in the winter or any other time. Have a great day and Happy Bowling....

  • Alley Bero Named MLX Skates Player of the Week

    Dec 2, 2010

    Alley Bero, a junior forward with the St. Lawrence University Saints women’s hockey team had a five-point weekend, leading the Saints to a sweep against Yale and Brown, which led to her being named the MLX Skates Player of the Week. The Akwesasne, NY native had a short-handed goal and assisted on the game-winner against the Bulldogs. Bero then had the game-winner and two helpers against the Bears. Complete List of MLX Skates 2010-11 Players of the Week: October 5, 2010 - Kate Wheeler, Jr., F, Q...

  • Minor Midget Cornwall Colts back from South Grenville with “A” Championship

    Dec 2, 2010

    Submitted by Pat Dussault In Game #1- The Colts faced Perth. Jordan Cadieux managed to win several key face-offs while Colin Allaire was used to kill penalties for the Colts while goaltender Brett Warner was extremely solid and named player of the game. However the team dropped the contest 1-0. In Game #2- the Colts faced the home team, The South Grenville Rangers. Goalie Samuel Dussault, with a shutout performance, lead his team to a 5-0 win ! Josh Landry was named player of the game with 2...

  • Dee Hart wins fight with arm bar hold

    Dec 2, 2010

    Submitted by Kim Loran Akwesasne mixed martial arts fighter Dee Hart competed this past weekend in the Cage Fight 6, which was held on Nov. 26 in Scranton, PA at the Icebox Sports Complex. Hart was matched up against 145 lb. Kenneth Nagle, (record of 2-1) from Slocum, PA. At the bell Nagle came out somewhat aggressively, getting right in Hart’s face. Hart used his footwork and head movements to stay out of trouble and Nagle, swinging at the air, calmed down a bit. Hart then started pulling N...

  • 9 Aboriginal NHL players Native Hockey stars shine in NHL

    Dec 2, 2010

    The rafters shake as 17,000 hockey fans cheer wildly every time Edmonton Oiler Sheldon Souray touches the puck in the opponents zone. Known for his blistering shot from the point, and his punishing checks into the boards, the six-foot-four, 235-pound defenseman is arguably the most known and feared aboriginal player in the National Hockey League. With 23 goals this season, Souray is the second-highest scoring defenseman in the league. Although aboriginal players are a rarity in the NHL, there are nine Native players currently spread amongst...

  • Akwesasne Warriors vs. New York Aviators on Friday and Saturday

    Sesi King|Dec 2, 2010

    At A’nowara:kowa Arena, there were many spectators on hand to watch our home team face New York in another pro competition. On Friday the Warriors won 6 -4. The latest news was that Akwesasne signed on a new player, Mike Varhaug, 6’8” and 260 lb., a tough one. He was involved in a fight against Joe Pelle as they danced for a while. Both were quite tough and neither wanted to give in but exhaustion got the both of them and stopped. On Saturday, the same two teams faced off and again it was a ver...

  • Akwesasne Minor Hockey Initiative Program

    Sesi King|Dec 2, 2010

    Lisa Leder Simmons runs the power skating and beginners program for our young skaters at the A’nowarako:wa Arena. Akwesasne is so happy to have her on board, the children really like her and she also enjoys the kids. It is a successful program with about 30 skaters in the program....

  • SRC Girls Hockey team opens season with a scrimmage against Massena

    Sesi King|Dec 2, 2010

    SRC girls traveled to Massena to get a feel for the teams ability with returning Coach Jim Barnes. Salmon River came out on top and by watching these teams go at it, is an indicator that it will be an enjoyable season. The Massena team also has some girls from Ahkwesahsne. Hope you get out to watch both teams and give lots of support to them. Remember, they could be our future College players....

  • Soaring Eagles kick off volleyball season

    Kyrie Ransom|Dec 2, 2010

    The Soaring Eagles U-16 team did a great job representing Akwesasne over the weekend as they spent Saturday at an Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) Tournament held in Kingston, Ontario. Ten teams took part in the first of 4 regular season tournaments that will be held around Ontario this season. The girls started what would be a nine-hour day of volleyball ranked 9th out of the ten teams registered. The skill level of the other teams ranged from a newly formed team to a Division 3 nationally...