A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the November 30, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 51 - 56 of 56

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  • Indigenomics on Bay Street Conference Brings Visibility to the Emerging 100 Billion Dollar Indigenous Economy

    Nov 30, 2023

    TORONTO – Nov. 22 marked the beginning of the Indigenomics on Bay Street Conference, the largest national Indigenous economy focused gathering of changemakers, innovators and leadership across all sectors of the Canadian economy. This conference is bringing focus, meaning and visibility to growing Indigenous economic strength and the emerging $100 billion Indigenous economy. The Indigenomics Institute is an Indigenous economic advisory founded by Carol Anne Hilton. In 2019, the Indigenomics Institute identified that a $100 billion Indigenous e...

  • Palestine and the Mohawks: Peace May be Found

    Nov 30, 2023

    By Doug George-Kanentiio. I have been to Palestine-Israel twice-once in 1984 as part of a spiritual pilgrimage group and in 2012 accompanying my wife Joanne Shenandoah as she performed in Bethlehem. During my first trip I saw the remnants of a region which was recovering from the 1982 conflict with Lebanon with exceptionally tight security throughout the country. Large groups of American armed soldiers patrolled the towns and rural areas supported by tanks and other armored vehicles. Small, specialized units trained in desert warfare would be...

  • RRCA and Cornwall Students Plant Trees at Gambhir Memorial Urban Forest

    Nov 30, 2023

    Intrepid students from Eamer's Corners Public School braved November flurries to join Raisin Region Conservation Authority (RRCA) staff in planting a variety of native and heritage fruit trees at the Gambhir Memorial Urban Forest in the City of Cornwall. "The students were excited to take direct action to enhance our area's tree canopy," says RRCA Stewardship Coordinator, Jessica Herrington. "A strong regional tree cover can have a significant impact towards flooding and erosion resilience,...

  • SRMT Employment Opportunities

    Nov 30, 2023

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  • MCA Employment Opportunities

    Nov 30, 2023

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  • SMRT – "Akwesasne One Step Closer to 'Land Back' as New York State Governor Signs Off on Land Claim Bill"

    Nov 30, 2023

    AKWESASNE, Kentenhkó:wa/November 29, 2023 – New York State Governor Kathy Hochul signed Bill A7759 which was passed by the State legislature to authorize the Governor to sign a settlement, once finalized by the parties. “This bill is part of the State’s process. Once all the settlement documents are finalized between all parties, this bill authorizes the Governor to sign the final negotiated settlement agreement. In addition, a final settlement will require federal approval via an act of Congress. We are not quite there, but are hopeful we wil...