A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles written by Doug Kanetiio George

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 5 of 5

  • Sixties Scoop Attorney Makes Akwesasne Presentation

    Doug Kanetiio George|May 4, 2017

    On April 18 attorney Jessica Braude from the Wilson-Christen law firm in Toronto came to Akwesasne to meet with possible claimants in the Sixties Scoop class action suit against Canada. After nine years of work Ms. Braude was able to report that the government Canada has accepted liability in the $1.3 billion case. On February 14th Ontario Superior Court Justice Edward Belobaba ruled that Canada had breached it obligations to work in tandem with Native governments in regards to foster care and that as a result thousands of Native children were...

  • Give Residential School Survivors Their Voice

    Doug Kanetiio George|Oct 20, 2016

    I attended, by chance, the conference organized by the Ontario Public Services Employees Union at Nav-Can in Tsi:Kanataien (Cornwall) on October 1 to listen to the suggestions made by the attendees as to how to achieve reconciliation and peace between the province and Native peoples with an emphasis on the residential schools. Sponsored in part by the Indigenous Circle of the OPSEU under the direction of Krista Maracle the sessions were creative, challenging and in some instances emotional as the attendees spoke about their personal, familial...

  • Iroquois Prophecy and People at Standing Rock

    Doug Kanetiio George|Sep 22, 2016

    The power and influence of prophecy among the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois) has been a central part of our culture since the birth of the league of peace long before the arrival of the refugees from across the salt water to the east of Anowara:kowa, the Great Turtle. When Skennenrahowi, the Peacemaker, raised the first Tree of Peace on the southern shore of Lake Onondaga (now Syracuse, NY) he not only gave those assembled a constitution and a common purpose he also imparted teachings about times to come. He predicted the arrival of the...

  • Each One of Us Has a Duty To Protect Our Resources

    Doug Kanetiio George|Sep 1, 2016

    Three weeks ago my brother Davey George confronted two non-Native men who were engaged in criminal trespass on our lands. They were also committing another crime: fishing without a permit. My brother did what each one of us must do when we see these criminal acts by non-Natives: confront the criminals and demand they leave our territory. It does not require a police officer as our lands are held collectively which means we all have a vested interest in protecting what is ours. The criminals threatened and assaulted my brother then went to the...

  • Lacrosse at the Olympics

    Doug Kanetiio George|Aug 25, 2016

    The Iroquois Nationals have tried for the past 30 years to restore lacrosse to the Olympics. Despite the rapid growth in the game which now includes dozens of nations the International Olympic Committee and the Federation of International Lacrosse have yet to come together to decide when, not if, lacrosse is once again returned to the Olympics. It was a medal sport in 1904 and 1908 with Canada winning gold both times. In the 1904 Games the Mohawk Nation sent its own team which won bronze with the players using names which may have sounded “Indi...

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