A Voice from the Eastern Door

Backyard Beekeeping Meeting Held in Akwesasne

About a dozen people showed up for the first informational meeting on bees hosted by Wayne Samphier, Environment Pesticide Technician with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Environment Division. Samphier said when the Environment Division attended Wellness Day they had many people interested in beekeeping, so they decided to have an informational meeting.

Samphier has four hives himself and had help at the meeting from Mark Berninghausen from Squeak Creek Apiaries in Brasher Falls, who has 500 beehives, and Scott Martin from Akwesasne Cultural Restoration Program who also cares for beehives.

A hive was set up at the meeting so people could see all the different parts of it, which Samphier went over. Initial cost was also discussed; a single beehive costs from $125 to $150 on average. Then you will have to buy your bees which could cost anywhere from $125 to $200. Among other topics were pesticides, winterization and mite control.

Internet resources that have great information were also shared. Some are:

Michael Palmer on Youtube

Don The Fat Bee Man on Youtube

Montana University and Cornell University were both named as having excellent beekeeping courses.

If you missed the inaugural backyard beekeeping meeting there will be another meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 6PM at the SRMT Environment Building in the conference room.

Samphier also invited everyone to come out to the SRMT Environment IPM/Pollinator Protection conference on September 24th and 25th. They will have at least 10 speakers over the two days and it will be held at the Comfort Inn in Akwesasne. More information will be coming soon.


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