A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letters to the Editor

Krystal Oakes was always partying mostly on Thursdays, pool night if my team won afterwards I would get drunk. The celebration started with rum and coke or kalarato koolaid. The last time I drank I got hurt bad and spent the night at the hospital and was woken up every hour and it sucked. I had a big egg on my head the worst thing of all is I was still drunk when I woke up with the worst hangover. To top it off I wasn’t given any meds, just a big bill!

I was so grateful Onen’to:kon took me right away. Thank you so much for that, you saved my life. I want to give thanks to my counselor Kelly. And a special thanks to Hazel for taking her time to talk to me. You really helped me, I’m grateful for that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. XOXO

Krystal Oakes

Snye, QC


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