A Voice from the Eastern Door


“My times are in thy hand....” Ps. 31:15

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven. He hath made everything beautiful in His time. A time to be born and a time to die__Eccles. 3

We, the family of the late Doris C. Hill wish to offer our deepest gratitude to our Heavenly Father. It was He who brought our family together. It was He whom we loved and served. It was He who made our house a home. It was He who gave us the best wife and mother. God gives only the best!

Doris faithfully fulfilled her calling as wife & mother. Her strong faith and godly life was a testimony that touched us all. We will always love you, Doris. You will forever be in our hearts. We all miss you.

We as well wish to thank you for the many thoughts and prayers for Doris during her time in the hospital. For those who visited her it helped to ease her pain and made her feel better. For the many cards and letters that were so comforting...for the floral arrangements, and for the monetary donations, that was appreciated so much. Also, special thanks to Wilson Funeral Home, especially to Mallory Poirier and Denis Aube & staff who were so helpful in our time of need.

To the pallbearers Joe, Brandon, Vince, Heath, Dallas, Aronhiaies and Trent, thank-you so much. ...And to all who attended, your presence was appreciated and comforting.

Thank-you and God bless you.

Hubert Hill and family


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